Listen to the voice of the Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh!

Hindus living a hellish life as a minority in those countries have been killed before and are still being killed.
Listen to the voice of the Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh!

Daya Bhel (Hindu), a 40-year-old widowed mother of four children was brutally murdered in Sijoro in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Along with beheading the woman her breasts were cut off and the skin was peeled off from her body and face, including the entire head. The flesh of the entire head was removed. Pakistan's first female Hindu MP Krishna Kumari has given this information on Twitter. She is the leader of Pakistan People's Party. It would be wrong to ignore this bad incident. Because doing so means thinking casually. It may be due to "We are safe in India so this incident will not be taken seriously".

But only the one who is harmed knows how big that sorrow is. How painful is a simple scratch? We have felt this. Here the bad condition of the woman is heart-wrenching as a human being. How much pain must have happened to that woman? A woman is brutally murdered in Pakistan. This confirms that minority women and girls are vulnerable there.

Many Hindu men, women, boys and girls have been brutally murdered in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindus living a hellish life as a minority in those countries have been killed before and are still being killed. When will it stop? The governments of both the countries have no concrete answer to this. Till now no government there has had the answer. Special attention is always paid to where there is attachment – for instance, there are reports that underworld don Dawood might be I Karachi, while Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai, is safe in Pakistan. There are many such thugs who are in that country.

It is impossible for that country to have affection for the Hindus who are in the minority. The name of this country Pak means holy but they are killing humanity. The level of inhumanity is increasing day by day. A vivid example of this is the murder of a mother of four children in Pakistan. It is not at all likely that there will be a human rights commission at the government level in that country, because only the language of bombs, weapons and anarchy is prevalent there. Also, there is never any positive news from there on the level of social, research, agriculture, health etc. Either there has been a bomb blast somewhere or there has been unrest or atrocities on minorities. This fact indicates that nothing good is happening in that country and also shows how dangerous the environment is.

After Pakistan's remarks on the Kashmir issue in the United Nations, India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar lashed out at Pakistan. Pakistan's minister Shazia Marri replied to him and said, "The Indian minister said that Pakistan is the centre of terrorism. If there is any action from India, it will be answered. We have an atomic bomb. India should not forget this. We have become powerful and will not remain silent". There was a lot of anger when Pakistan was called a haven for terrorists. India was threatened with the atomic bomb. Pakistan's minister who threatened India with nuclear bomb is a woman. A Hindu woman has been brutally murdered in her own country. What does Pakistan really think about the Hindus, the citizens of its own country? Why don't they take responsibility for their safety? They should show courage to speak openly in that context. The world knows that Hindus are being brutally murdered in Pakistan. But the ruling party and the opposition there are keeping their mouth shut on this sensitive matter. Such is the experience. But they are very concerned about the minority community of India. They deliberately take every opportunity to defame India at the international level. The woman is a citizen of Pakistan and also a Hindu. Due to your lack of security, the security of Hindus in that country is in danger. So it is your moral responsibility to comment on it openly. Pakistan sponsored terrorist activities at the India-Pakistan border have created tension in that area. Also, continuing attacks on Hindus, who are a minority in that country, can definitely be called an open act at the terrorist level. The common thread in both is violence, spreading fear, spreading unrest.

Pakistan, which has become a hub of terrorist activities, gets financial help from powerful countries like China and America. During the tenure of the then President Donald Trump, the aid to Pakistan was banned. But the current President of America does not seem angry with Pakistan. By setting aside Trump's decision, he has openly helped Pakistan. Economically weak Pakistan always has had a soft corner for China. Why are temples demolished in Pakistan? Why are there continuous attacks on Hindus? Why are Hindu women, girls kidnapped? And why are they forced to marry? Even if you don't convert and don't eat as they say, then why are they harmed?

America and China will never come forward to ask such questions. For that, the Government of India will have to create international pressure on Pakistan. America keeps raising false concerns about the insecurity of minorities in India. In fact, there is a lot of racism in America and opposite questions are being asked to India.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) faced protests. Under the CAA, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian persons who came to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till December 31, 2014 and who faced religious injustice in those countries are not considered illegal migrants. According to this law, there is a provision to give citizenship of India to such citizens. The Government of India should gear up to bring here Hindus who are facing treachery outside India. How long we will keep reading the news of the killings of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh? "No one cries for the one who dies everyday". Due to this perception, nothing is being felt about those sensitive matters. Has our condition become like this? Taliban insurgency resumed after the US relinquished control of Afghanistan. At that time cargo planes of the US Air Force had reached America carrying many Afghan citizens. At that time the world has seen people hanging from planes, people falling from the sky after the planes took off. Keeping in mind that "the whole world is our home", the Afghan citizens were brought to India while living in the frame of culture. The condition of Hindus in Pakistan has become very bad. Hindus have remained only in name. The pace of atrocities against them has also increased. That's why now the Government of India should take fast steps to bring the Hindus living there to India. People from Afghanistan came to India. So why can't the Hindus who are being crushed by the atrocities of Pakistani people be brought to India? The ideology and actions of Taliban terrorists and Pakistani people are the same. India should make efforts for the release of Hindus trapped in the atrocities of Pakistan and for this planning should be done thoughtfully. Bangladeshi citizens infiltrate into and live in India. But Pakistani Hindus who have honestly applied for Indian citizenship have to wait. Those who do not belong to this land will enter here and they will be found involved in criminal activities here. It is evident that their intention in coming here is definitely not good. Many Pakistani Hindus have to take the path of hell (Pakistan) in despair due to not getting Indian citizenship. This is a bitter truth. It is not wrong for Hindus to come to a Hindu majority country. After checking the documents, giving citizenship it is a legal process. What comfort can be given in that?

When the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, the Indian Government took immediate steps and about 20,000 students studying medicine in Ukraine were airlifted to India, that too by providing free service. Pakistani students were reaching the border of Poland by carrying the flag of India. However, the then Imran Khan government of Pakistan did not provide any facility to bring them back. In the bone-chilling cold, Pakistani students were pleading for help from India. They praised the management of the Government of India. This shows that Pakistan left its own countrymen in difficult times in foreign countries. How alert will such a country be for the safety of minorities in its own country?

Jayesh Rane

(The writer can be reached at

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