The valley of death

In democracy people have the right to choose their own leaders or more appropriately their representatives
The valley of death
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Mintu Sarma

(The writer can be reached at


In democracy people have the right to choose their own leaders or more appropriately their representatives, considered to be the best government machinery as citizens can enjoy enormous rights and freedom which are nearly unquestionable before the authority or government. If we dive deep into history we learn that the genesis of democracy started near about fifth century BC in Athens and during the 2500 years of journey the evolution of democracy attained a new height. Democracy flourished after World War II, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union democracy dominates the world elegantly. Though people desire to translate its political and development agenda thought democratic way, but sometimes found themselves stymied by voracious autocratic leaders and democracy topples.

Time to time democracy has been badly threaded by autocracy, especially by a military coup. Such a torturous curse has been surfaced in Myanmar in February 2021. In the morning of 1st February 2021 democratically elected "National League for Democracy (NLD)" was thrown out by Myanmar's military socially known as Tatmadaw and enacted Military rule over the country whimsically.

The death knell of all hopes and aspirations of civilians have been permeated all over that southeast Asian country as more than 500 people have lost their lives and all-around 2700 have been detained and tortured recklessly by Hlaing's armies. The military coup led by Min Aung Hlaing has nipped the democracy in Myanmar by detaining President Win Myint and state counselor A S Suu Kyi and trying to keep the situation under control by hook or crook. Vigorous protests have been erupted all over the country and abroad against the merciless military activities, snatched many innocent lives including women and children. On Myanmar, Armed Forces Day i.e on 27th March, the capital Naypyitaw witnessed the mass slaughter of more than 110 people including children that increased the death toll of around 550 which is a matter of serious concern for the world community. No one can think that army could come down so harshly against own country people to stop citizen's voice against the coup. According to the news channel, the situation has deteriorated so badly that it may trigger another civil war in Myanmar like the Karen conflict 1949. Day after day the people around the world have watched with horror at the photos and videos of brutality emerging from the street of Myanmar which deals with gross human rights violations. According to the UN Deputy High Commissioner for human rights, the current crisis in Myanmar was "born of impunity", with a long-standing lack of civilian control over the military and its disproportionate influence in the country's political and economic institutions…" Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General has emphasized that a firm and unified response from the international community is required to resolve the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. Meanwhile UN Human right commission has adopted a resolution condemning the military coup and use of lethal force over unarmed civilians. Though the expression of concern across the world has been aired, is not sufficient to bring to an end of the horrible situation in Mynamar shortly.

The world body needs to be united for the sake of humanity. Though the Myanmar crisis is the country's internal matter vis-à-vis a matter of humanity also and need to save the innocents from the shadow of brutality and dire misfortune. This coup has already earned the dubious distinction of being one of the world's most bloodthirsty coups that turned Myanmar into a valley of death, international body needs to intervene in the matter, a salvage operation is needed urgently. A pragmatic hard and fast rule requires formulation by the international body to take stern action against the traitors of democracy; impunity may generate neck-deep trouble to a healthy democracy as well as a lethal attack on humanity.

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