A newly-announced reality show featuring Priyanka Chopra, Usher and Julianne Hough is attracting criticism online for what observers are perceiving as a misguided premise. The Activist is described as 'a competition series that features six inspiring activists teamed with three high-profile public figures working together to bring meaningful change to one of three vitally important world causes: health, education, and environment'.
But what people have objected to is the competition element to creating awareness for important causes. Actor Jameela Jamil tweeted, "Couldn't they just give the money it's going to take to pay this unbelievably expensive talent and make this show, directly to activist causes? Rather than turning activism into a game and then giving a fraction of the much needed money away in a 'prize…?' People are dying."
Activist Cameron Kasky, who helped organise the March for Our Lives nationwide student protest in 2018, wrote in a tweet, "Dumb sh*t like this reminds us how useless the word 'activist' has become. There's people putting their lives on the line to demand change from the abusive ruling class and then there's lazy white losers like me who just complain on the internet all day. All 'activists'."
Another person commented, "Some days I wonder if we are living on the worst timeline. And almost daily, my wonders are confirmed." And one person wrote that they "haven't seen this united in hating something since Gal Gadot sang Imagine way back in the first month of March 2020." (Agencies)
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