Addition of artificial colours to tea: TAI and GTABA respond to allegations

The Tea Association of India (TAI) and the Guwahati Tea Auction Buyers’ Association (GTABA) responded to the recent allegations of the Federation of All India Tea Traders’ Associations (FAITTA) regarding the addition of artificial colours to tea.
Addition of artificial colours to tea: TAI and GTABA respond to allegations
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Guwahati: The Tea Association of India (TAI) and the Guwahati Tea Auction Buyers’ Association (GTABA) responded to the recent allegations of the Federation of All India Tea Traders’ Associations (FAITTA) regarding the addition of artificial colours to tea.

In the response from TAI, president Ajay Jalan clarified that the tea producers associated with TAI uphold the highest standards of authenticity, quality, and ethical practices and members are committed to producing tea adhering to all regulatory requirements and industry norms. As part of the stringent evaluation process, tea samples from producers are thoroughly assessed by buyers before any purchasing decisions are made. Therefore, if any producers were engaged in the practice of mixing artificial colours, it would be promptly recognized during the evaluation process, and appropriate measures would be taken by the buyers.

He added, “We believe that FAITTA’s statement may have been misconstrued. They were possibly suggesting that there are unscrupulous traders or retail sellers who might resort to such practices. They were possibly not suggesting that these unethical practices represent the broader tea-producing community. We firmly believe that this issue, while important, should not overshadow the tireless efforts of ethical producers who are committed to delivering high-quality and authentic tea products.”

Meanwhile, Dinesh Bihani, secretary of GTABA, expressed concern regarding the statement about the colouring of tea in the Assam tea industry and said that GTABA feels that the issue was not presented truthfully in the media. He mentioned that the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre has not received any complaints in the last 50 years about colouring of tea, there were some issues on MRL and these are taken up by FSSAI and the Tea Board. He also said that the GTAC recently collaborated with Tea Research Association (TRA Tocklai) for sample analysis with discounted rates so anyone can send their samples to GTAC and they will give analysis reports in shorter time. Claiming that Assam Tea is one of the best teas in the world, he said that the teas sold through the auction system are always guaranteed as per FSSAI rules.

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