Assam Police arrested 3,344 people across State for violating lockdown guidelines

Assam Police arrested 3,344 people across State for violating lockdown guidelines
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GUWAHATI: As many as 3,344 people have been arrested across the State for the violation of lockdown and Rs. 1,44,28,400 has been realized as fine, stated Assam Police in its daily report. The department has seized a total of 20,896 vehicles till Monday. Out of the total seized vehicles, 18,920 are two-wheelers, 1,662 are four-wheelers and 280 are three-wheelers. Along with the vehicles, the department has also seized 20 country boats and 8 machine boats.

The Assam Police is also taking a proactive stand against fake news and said action is being taken against those spreading fake news on social media about COVID-19. A total of 87 cases have been registered, which has led to 46 arrests. The total containment orders issued so far is 22.

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