Develop website or app to display status in Hospitals: Students Federation of India

Develop website or app to display status in Hospitals: Students Federation of India

The Assam State Committee of SFI has demanded that the government and the department concerned must immediately develop a website or an app that can display the availability of beds, oxygen facility, ICUs and ventilators in Guwahati Hospitals.



GUWAHATI: The Assam State Committee of SFI (Students Federation of India) has demanded that the government and the department concerned must immediately develop a website or an app that can display the availability of beds, oxygen facility, ICUs (Intensive Care Units) and ventilators in Guwahati Hospitals.

Making this demand, the organization's president Kashyap Choudhury and its general secretary Nirangkush Nath stated in a joint press release, "As cases of COVID-19 are soaring high throughout the State and specially in Guwahati, people have become tensed. We have noted that the families of COVID patients and especially of those that show severe symptoms are facing lots of problems in finding information regarding the availability of beds, oxygen, ICU and ventilators. To know the status of these important health infrastructure, one has to contact the hospitals through phone or directly go there.

"Hence in this age of technology, it has become imperative to let the public know about their availability through a website or app. The website if updated twice during the day, i.e., in the morning and evening, will enable the people know about the numbers of bed, oxygen facility, ICUs and ventilators available at the respective hospitals. This will definitely relieve the families of the patients.

"Moreover, the data can also be made available through the social media handles of health and other administrative departments", added the release.

Sentinel Assam