Ghost of Nehru’s unmatched popularity continues to haunt BJP: APCC

The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee has said that the ghost of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's unmatched popularity, intellectual calibre, and global reputation continue to haunt the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Ghost of Nehru’s unmatched popularity continues to haunt BJP: APCC
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GUWAHATI: The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee has said that the ghost of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's unmatched popularity, intellectual calibre, and global reputation continue to haunt the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In a statement issued to the media today, the APCC said that "Prime Minister Narendra Modi should read history before spreading misinformation about Pt. Nehru's 1962 speech. Willful misinterpretation of facts and repeated misinformation were tools of propaganda that were used with glorious results by Joseph Goebbels. As Nazi Germany's Minister of Propaganda, Goebbels famously said, 'if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

APCC president Bhupen Bora criticised the Central Government and the Prime Minister in particular for resorting to distracting public sentiment by intentionally mentioning Pt. Nehru's comment on Assam during Chinese aggression instead of doing 'Rajdharma' by focusing on the Manipur situation. "The harsh reality is that the BJP and its leadership feel dwarfed by the towering personality, intellectual calibre, unmatched popularity, and global reputation of Pt. Nehru and therefore resort to the malign reputation of Pt. Nehru by presenting his quote in a distorted manner and thereby trying to create confusion among the public."

"My heart goes out to the people of Assam at this hour" has been willfully picked out of the larger context of Nehru's speech to create mischief and discredit him, he said.

According to Bora, the real fact is that despite initial setbacks on the Indian front, Pt. Nehru 'pledged' to 'have victory and neither gave up nor tolerated such a foreign incursion. Bora quoted Pt. Nehru as saying, "We are not going to tolerate this kind of invasion of India by any foreign country. This is the first war of an independent India to maintain her independence, and India is not going to lose this war, however long it lasts or whatever harm it may do us in the meantime. Therefore, on this day, which has been a sad day for us, bringing news of reverses and setbacks, I want to send my greetings to the people of Assam especially, to the people of NEFA, and to the rest of India, and to tell them that we must not get worried about this; sad we must be, but we must train ourselves and steel ourselves to meet all these reverses and to even make our determination even firmer to do all that we can to repel and throw out the invader from India. We shall not be content till that invader goes out of India or is pushed out. We shall not accept any terms that he may offer because he may think that we are a little frightened by some setbacks. I want to make that clear to all of you and more especially to our countrymen in Assam, to whom our heart goes out at this moment".

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