CLP leader urges Governor to remove Das as Power Minister

By our Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, July 26: State Power Minister Pallab Lochan Das Das is no live wire, and which is why ‘open-ended live wires’ electrocuted as many as 29 people in the past two months in the State, so feels CLP Leader Debabrata Saikia. The Leader of Opposition in the State Assembly wants no less than removal of Das from the power portfolio.

In a missive sent to the State Governor on Wednesday, Saikia said: “Over the past two months, at least 29 people have died after coming into contact with spped live wires in various areas of Assam, including Guwahati. The victims include minors and college students. Unfortutely, the State Power Minister, Shri Pallab Lochan Das, appears to be indifferent to the point of irresponsibility… it’s the bounden duty of the Governor of a State to ensure that the elected government of that specific state extends all constitutiol safeguards to the common citizens. I my humble opinion, the unchecked spate of ‘accidental’ electrocution deaths constitute a clear violation of the Fundamental Rights to live. Indeed, at a time when science and technology are ebling people to live better and longer across the globe, Assam seems to be in a phase of regression wherein scientific and technological tools are cutting innocent lives short as a result of negligence on the part of those in position of authority.”

Saikia requested the Governor to ensure the removal of Das as the Power Minister.

Sentinel Assam