Check out the benefits of Yoga to reduce anxiety during the pandemic

Check out the benefits of Yoga to reduce anxiety during the pandemic

Yoga is an ancient discipline and system practiced in India which benefits mental and physical wellbeing.

During the ongoing Covid pandemic, it's a challenge to keep ourselves healthy not only physically but also mentally. The pandemic and lockdown can affect the mental state of a person resulting in anxiety, stress, and frustration. So it is very important to keep ourselves optimistic and take equal care of our mind and soul. In this case, practicing Yoga can be a very good option as it can be very uplifting and refreshing.

Why Yoga?

Dr. B N Gangadhar, Director, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS) says, "Yoga is known to change the underline biology of the disease. For instance, if a patient is facing depression,  there are high levels of cortisol and low levels of brain repairing chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor. If such patients are treated with yoga, their cortisol level drops, levels of brain repairing chemical increases and depression gets better".

Practicing yoga is the best thing to reduce stress and anxiety not only during the pandemic but at all times. It helps you to get rid of all your mantel issues and keeps you refreshing and calm. Practicing it can be very soothing and you can have control over your mind. There exist various poses of Yoga.

In this article, you'll get to know about various Surya Namaskar positions and Surya Namaskar Yoga benefits.

Why Surya Namaskar?

• Improves flexibility

• Improves your body posture

• Improves muscle tone

• Burn excess fat

• Cure insomnia

• Build mantel focus

• Helps blood circulation

There is a total of seven Surya namaskar positions which need to be done cyclically, hence consist of 12 steps:

Pranamasana: It begins with folding hands while standing straight, a way to offer prayer to the Sun.

Hastauttanasana: Slowly hands lifted upward with back bent backward. Inhale and bring biceps close to the ear.

Padahastasana: Exhale thoroughly and gradually bent and touch the ground while keeping your spine straight.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana: bend your knees to the right side of the chest and the other leg backward. Also, keep inhaling and look straight.

Parvatasana: Lift up your waist to form an Inverted V and keep your heels on the floor.

Dandasana: do a plank by keeping the body parallelly on the ground and inhale.

Ashtanga Namaskara: Bring down your chin, hands, knees, and chest o the ground and hips upward while exhaling.

Bhujangasana: bring your hips and legs down on the ground and head up with bending back. This position is called the cobra position.

Parvatasana: repeat as same

Ashwa Sanchalanasana: repeat

Padahastasana: repeat

Hastauttanasana: repeat

Spare ten minutes from the day early morning and practice Surya namaskar that can provide you with a healthy body and mind.

Sentinel Assam