Uric acids are waste which is produced when the body dissociates purines which transmits into the body through certain foods like:
Certain meats
Dried beans
Purines are found when cells get damaged and are taken apart. The most amount of uric acid is released from the body during the time of peeing or pooping.
A high level of uric acid is referred to as hyperuricemia that can lead to various diseases like gout. A specific blood test will help you to estimate the amount of uric acid is present in the blood.
Through this test, you'll get to know if you're having the following diseases:
Kind of arthritis when uric acid crystals are produced in the joints which causes deep pain especially in the big toe.
These are like hard small stones produced into the kidney due to the high level of uric acid. This leads to serious pain around the lower back, vomiting, upset stomach, blood during urination, frequent peeing.
This kind of treatment damages a huge number of body cells that cause high uric acid levels.
So, this test is conducted to check if the level is not too high.
As mentioned above that purine is the primary source of uric acid. Just limit the quantity of food rich in purine that will trigger the level of uric acid. Some of the purine-rich foods are:
Sugary foods and drinks rich in fructose and glucose can cause a high level of uric acid.
Drinking plenty of water will help to release uric acid from the kidney faster. You could also gain several benefits from it.
Dehydration can trigger the level of uric acid which is caused by several alcoholic drinks like beer.
Along with your diet, extra pounds can raise uric acid levels. Fat cells make more uric acid than muscle cells. Additionally, carrying extra pounds makes it harder for your kidneys to filter out uric acid. Losing weight too quickly can also affect levels. If you're overweight, it's best to avoid fad diets and crash dieting. Talk to a nutritionist about a healthy diet and weight loss plan that you can follow. Your doctor can recommend a healthy weight goal for your body type.
Fibre helps to lower the blood sugar level and prevent high uric acid.
You must have five to ten grams of soluble fibre with a meal like:
Fresh, frozen, or dried fruit
Fresh or frozen vegetables