Nutritious May not be Always Good

Shun alcohol, caffeine, herbal teas and uncooked food when pregnant for growth of a healthy baby
Nutritious May not be Always Good
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While it's true that your infant can reap the benefits of all the nutritious things you snack on, they are also susceptible to the bacteria that may be hiding in particular meals and might cause disease. So, it is advisable to avoid foods that hamper both child and the baby.

Considering the fact that a pregnant woman is required to consume enough food for both herself and her unborn child, she is probably giving careful consideration to the kinds of healthful foods that will enable her to enjoy the finest possible state of health while also providing nourishment for the developing child.

However, avoiding certain foods and beverages during pregnancy is as vital as knowing what you should consume.

While it's true that your infant can reap the benefits of all the nutritious things you snack on, they are also susceptible to the bacteria that may be hiding in particular meals and might cause disease. So, it is advisable to avoid foods that hamper both child and the baby. This is the best way to ensure the health of both you and your unborn child.

When you are pregnant, why is it recommended that you stay away from specific foods?

There is a greater possibility that particular foods harbour bacteria that can cause illness. Due to pregnancy, your immune system will struggle during this time to shield you and your unborn child from infectious agents. If you are already pregnant and you unintentionally consume something that is contaminated, you have a greater risk of being ill or experiencing issues throughout your pregnancy. Bacteria that are responsible for foodborne sickness can pass through the placenta, which is a fact that is equally alarming. Because your baby's immune system isn't developed enough to fight off the viruses quite yet, it is at an increased risk of suffering a serious infection or possibly birth abnormalities.

However, the presence of germs does not make it impossible to consume some of the foods on the forbidden list. Alcohol and fish heavy in mercury, for example, won't make you ill but may have a harmful impact on the development of your child if you consume them while you're pregnant.

The following is a rundown of the foods and beverages that should be avoided during pregnancy, as well as instructions for what to do in the event that you unintentionally consume something that is on the prohibited list.

Steer clear of seafood that is high in mercury

You can get a good amount of protein from seafood, and the omega-3 fatty acids that are found in many types of fish can help your baby's brain and eyes develop more normally. However, there are some fish and shellfish that have amounts of mercury that could be considered hazardous. A developing neurological system in your child could be negatively affected by exposure to high levels of mercury.

The greater the size and age of the fish, the greater the likelihood that it will contain mercury. It is recommended that you steer clear of the following when you are pregnant: Bigeye tuna, King mackerel, Marlin, Roughy fish, orange, swordfish, shark, tilefish.

There are certain fish options that have low mercury content. During pregnancy, women are encouraged to consume between 8 and 12 ounces of seafood per week. You may consider eating catfish, cod, herring, tuna in light-oil cans, oysters, salmon, sardines, shad, shrimp, tilapia, trout, etc. However, you should not consume more than 6 ounces of white tuna per week.

Steer clear of seafood that is uncooked, undercooked, or infected

To protect yourself from potentially dangerous bacteria and viruses found in seafood:

You should steer clear of raw fish and shellfish. Sushi, sashimi, ceviche, and raw oysters, scallops, or clams are some examples of meals that should be avoided because they are either uncooked or undercooked.

Avoid eating raw seafood that has been stored in the refrigerator. It is acceptable to consume smoked fish. It is also safe to consume canned and shelf-stable varieties.

Make sure you are aware of the local fish advisories. If you consume fish caught in nearby waters, you should pay attention to the local fish warnings, particularly if there is a concern about water contamination.

Ensure that seafood is cooked properly. When the fish flakes apart and is opaque all the way through, it is ready to be served. Prepare seafood such as shrimp, lobster, and scallops by cooking them until they turn a milky white colour. Oysters, clams, and mussels should be cooked until their shells become open. Throw away any packages that cannot be opened.

Steer clear of undercooked meat, poultry, and eggs

When you are pregnant, you run a higher risk of getting bacterial food poisoning. It's possible that your response will be more severe than it would be if you weren't pregnant. Sometimes the baby will get sick from the food poisoning as well.

To protect against diseases that are caused by food:

Before eating, ensure that all meats and poultry have been cooked through completely. For absolute certainty, use a meat thermometer.

Ensure that luncheon meats and hot dogs are piping hot before serving them, or else absolutely avoid eating them. They have the potential to be carriers of a listeria infection, which is an uncommon but potentially dangerous foodborne illness.

Cook the eggs until both the yolks and the whites have reached a firm consistency. Eggs that have not been cooked may have bacteria that are hazardous to humans. Eggnog, uncooked batter, newly manufactured or homemade hollandaise sauce, and Caesar salad dressing are all examples of foods that you should steer clear of since they include raw or partially cooked eggs.

Eat nothing that hasn't been pasteurised

There are a variety of low-fat dairy products that can be beneficial additions to a diet, including skim milk, mozzarella cheese, and cottage cheese. However, you should avoid consuming anything that contains milk that has not been pasteurised as they have a risk of causing sickness due to foodborne pathogens.

Be wary of soft cheeses unless the packaging specifically states that they have been pasteurised or are made with milk that has been pasteurised. Also, avoid consuming unpasteurized juice.

Steer clear of fruits and vegetables that have not been washed

It is important to carefully wash all raw fruits and vegetables to get rid of any bacteria that could be dangerous. Avoid eating raw sprouts of any kind, as they could potentially contain bacteria that causes disease. This includes alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts. Make sure that the sprouts are cooked all the way through.

Avoid excess caffeine

Even if caffeine is able to pass through the placenta, the effects that it will have on your child are still unknown. During pregnancy, your doctor may advise you to stay away from caffeine altogether or to reduce the amount of caffeine you consume in your diet to less than 200 milligrammes per day.

Steer clear of herbal tea

There is a paucity of information regarding the impact that particular herbs may have on infants who are still growing. Because of this, you should stay away from drinking herbal tea unless your doctor gives you the go-ahead to do so. This applies even to the kinds of herbal teas that are marketed specifically for pregnant women to drink during their pregnancy.

Avoid alcohol

There is not a single level of alcohol consumption that has been shown to be safe during pregnancy. Avoiding alcohol completely is the safest course of action.

Consuming alcohol while pregnant is associated with an increased risk of both spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, increases the risk of foetal alcohol syndrome.

Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about the amount of alcohol you consumed before you found out you were pregnant.

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