The perils of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease, an autoimmune condition caused mainly by gluten allergy, affects women more than men as per studies and can result in pregnancy and other reproductive health complications. Early diagnosis and treatment can help ameliorate the condition
The perils of Celiac Disease
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The early symptoms of Celiac disease may include infertility or issues with the women's monthly periods, especially if the individuals in question are female. Celiac disease is associated with a higher risk of miscarriage, low birth rates, and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnant women.

Celiac disease affects women more

It is much more common to diagnose celiac disease in females, particularly young girls and women, than it is in males, particularly young boys. This disparity is especially pronounced among older women. This is due to the fact that celiac disease is more likely to be passed on through female lineages than through male lineages. This is a fact that cannot in any way be disputed, and it cannot be ignored in any way, either. In point of fact, there is a sizeable gender gap in terms of the proportion of females to males who are afflicted with the illness. Despite the fact that people of either gender have an equal risk of developing the illness, this is nonetheless the case. A number of studies have been conducted, and the results of these investigations indicate that females, and particularly those of reproductive age, have roughly double the risk of having the condition as males do.

It is not entirely known what factors contributed to the development of this illness in the first place. According to the findings of a number of studies carried out by members of the academic community who have posited the idea that this difference exists, the likelihood that women will discuss their health concerns with a trained healthcare professional is higher when compared to the likelihood that men will do so (men may tend to tough them out, especially young adult men). In young adult males, the prevalence of celiac disease has been found to be significantly lower than what was previously thought to be the case. This was a surprising discovery. Celiac disease is a condition that prevents a person from properly digesting foods that contain gluten.

This argument does not fully account for the disparity in diagnosis rates, despite the possibility that the unwillingness of men to seek medical assistance is a component of the disparity in diagnosis rates.

This is because the premise of this argument is that the gap in diagnosis rates can be attributed to the reluctance of men to seek medical care. As a result, this gap in diagnosis rates is a direct result of this reluctance.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune illness where the immune system attacks healthy tissue. Celiac illness impairs gluten digestion. Those with celiac disease may have trouble digesting the protein gluten, which is present in wheat, rye, and barley. The illness is brought on by eating gluten, a type of protein present in many cereals like wheat, rye, and barley. Autoimmune illnesses seem to strike more frequently in women than in men. Hormonal variations explain this phenomenon. It's because hormone levels in men and women are different. Similar to the lack of a clear explanation for celiac disease, the reason why women are at a higher risk of developing autoimmune disorders has been largely unexplained by the medical community.

Gender Differences

It's possible that males and females who have celiac disease will experience symptoms that are notably different from one another.

The early symptoms may include infertility or issues with the women's monthly periods, especially if the individuals in question are female. Celiac disease is associated with a higher risk of miscarriage, low birth rates, and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnant women.

All of these risks are related to the pregnancy itself. A low birth rate is another one of the complications that can arise from celiac disease, and it is far more likely to occur in women who have the disease.

The following symptoms are more likely to be present in females than in males:

  • Nauseous feeling
  • Constipation
  • Tiredness
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Depression
  • Osteoporosis

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Women

In addition to the symptoms that are characteristic of the condition, which include diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, and persistent stomach pain, the following symptoms may be present in women who have celiac disease:

  • Stillbirth or miscarriage
  • Fatigue lasting a long time
  • Initiation of menopause at an earlier age
  • Caesarean delivery
  • Infertility for which there is no clear cause
  • Anaemia brought on by a deficiency of iron
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Absence of menstrual bleeding
  • Osteoporosis and osteopenia are two names for the same condition.

Testing & Diagnosis in Women

When a patient presents reproductive problems, it is imperative that her doctor investigate the possibility that the patient is suffering from undiagnosed celiac disease. This is because celiac disease can affect a woman's ability to have children.

If you have experienced difficulties conceiving children, you should discuss the possibility of celiac disease with your primary care physician as soon as possible. It is common knowledge that it is best to diagnose celiac disease at the earliest possible stage, because both the diagnosis and treatment of the condition can significantly contribute to an individual's overall improvement in health, and it is for this reason that it is best to diagnose the disease as early as possible. This is due to the fact that celiac disease can be identified and treated at the earliest feasible stage in its progression.

When trying to establish a diagnosis of celiac disease, the first thing that is often done is a series of blood tests. Blood tests are a reliable method for determining how your body reacts to gluten and can be performed by your primary care physician. It is imperative that he or she place an order for at least one blood test among the many available options.

The following kinds of tests are recommended at this time:

IgA-total tTG and total IgA


The IgG/IgA-DGP test is one that ought to be ordered in addition to it in the event that the IgA levels are low; this is the course of action that is suggested. IgG-AGA testing can also be requested, albeit the ordering of this test is contingent on the attending physician's discretion.

Before beginning a gluten-free diet, it is essential that you first get tested to determine whether or not you have celiac disease. This will allow you to determine whether or not you need to avoid gluten. Your response to the test will indicate whether or not you suffer from celiac disease. If you carry on in this manner, you are putting your own health in peril, which is not a good thing. In the days leading up to the test, if you exclude gluten from your diet, there is a chance that the results of the test will not accurately reflect your condition. This is because gluten is a common allergen.

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