Access to fundamental rights 'far cry' for Tibetans in Tibet

The situation of Tibetan people in Tibet continues to deteriorate under the authoritarian rule of China as there has been no end to the ongoing political and religious persecution.
Access to fundamental rights 'far cry' for Tibetans in Tibet
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LHASA: The situation of Tibetan people in Tibet continues to deteriorate under the authoritarian rule of China as there has been no end to the ongoing political and religious persecution.

Above everything else, religion has been more suppressed throughout time, and China's more significant objective to entirely sinicize Tibet continues to involve this ongoing assault on Tibetan Buddhism and its practices, according to TibetPress. Under strict policies, monks and nuns in Tibet are forced to remove their robes and live as commoners, ultimately denying them the freedom to practice or study their religion.

On December 9, Washington announced sanctions on hundreds of persons and organisations "connected to corruption or human rights abuse across nine countries" the day before International Human Rights Day. The US Treasury Department accused two of them of "serious human rights violations" in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China (TAR): Zhang Hongbo, the chief of Chinese police in Tibet, and Wu Yingjie, formerly the province party secretary.

As per TibetPress, Kunchok Jinpa, a tour guide who had been given a 21-year sentence for writing about unrest in Tibet, passed away in February 2021 as a result of torture in prison, where he reportedly experienced paralysis and suffered a brain haemorrhage.

According to Human Rights Watch, a 19-year-old Tibetan monk who was jailed for the first time in 2019 and then again the following year died in detention after being beaten and tortured. He had been imprisoned alongside other monks sentenced to up to five years in prison for peacefully advocating for Tibet's independence.

Further, Radio Free Asia also reported that a second political prisoner named Norsang died unexpectedly after being released from a Tibetan jail where he was allegedly tortured. This occurrence occurred in 2019.

Tibet now faces discrimination against practising the Tibetan culture, and use of their language and they are also banned from using the name of Dalai Lama in their writings. According to TibetPress, in the past 30 years, there have been incidents where people have self-immolated themselves to draw the world's attention to China's oppressive regime. China is now also ready to alter the demography disturbing the ethnic and cultural balance of the region and moreover the individual identity of the country's history. TibetPress reported that in January this year a 99-feet tall statue of religious significance and 45 traditional prayer wheels of the Tibet pilgrims in Drago in the Tibetan Autonomous Region were taken down disturbing the culture destruction.

And the Chinese authorities also made sure to suppress any news from the region. They also arrested dozens of locals sending them to labour camps. (ANI)

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