Man Finally Bags Job In Google After Getting Rejected 39 Times

"There's a fine line between perseverance and insanity. I'm still trying to figure out which one I have.39 rejections, 1 acceptance," Cohen captioned his picture.
Man Finally Bags Job In Google After Getting Rejected 39 Times
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San Francisco: It is said that failure is the best teacher and the taste of success feels even more sweeter after getting rejected multiple times.

What if a person gets rejected time and time again ? His morale would presumably be very low and that individual would most likely get demotivated.

But, Tyler Cohen from San Francisco had other ideas. Despite getting rejected by Google for 39 times, he did not give up and was at it with perseverance and dedication.

Tyler finally secured his dream job with Google at his 40th attempt and this is perhaps the determination and grit one needs to make it in life.

Elated by his appointment, he shared the screenshot of his communication with Google on his Linkedin account.

"There's a fine line between perseverance and insanity. I'm still trying to figure out which one I have.39 rejections, 1 acceptance," Cohen captioned his picture. His post has now gone viral on social media.

Cohen's screenshot reveals that he applied in Google for the first time back in 2019 and finally landed a job three years later after numerous failed attempts.

Linkedin users congratulated Cohen for finally making it through in his 40th attempt and some even recalled their own experiences with big tech companies.

One user wrote that he applied in Amazon for more than 120 times and then landed a position in the company.

Another user wittily joked that he has never heard of a man asking his girlfriend 40 times whether she would marry him. He then went on to ask why make a job at a company so special?

While Cohen was the recipient of many congratulatory messages on Linkedin, he also got criticised by a few users who asked to realize his self worth and not chase a company in this matter.

"You applied on May 3rd and got rejected, then applied again on May 6th and got the job. We can only assume that the two applications were for very different roles, otherwise it would mean that Google's hiring process is completely random.So what is the moral here? Google is such a dream company that your goal is just to get into the company, no matter what role you're offered? And so you spent the last two years applying for 39 different roles? Or maybe there were 39 similar roles, so at the end it's just a matter of luck," a user named Enrico Camporeale wrote.

To this, Tyler replied by saying that the role he got is a perfect fit for him and he would not pick a single other role at the company over this one. He also added that he was overwhelmed to receive the offer from Google.

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