All about Causes and Cures of Acne

Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne encountered. It mostly occurs on the face, back and chest as these areas have more of pilo-sebaceous (sweat) glands. As skin sheds off regularly, the dead skin cells, if not removed (exfoliated), can combine with sweat and oil and can get trapped, resulting in comedones or clogged pores
All about Causes and Cures of Acne

Increased androgen in boys and girls at teenage, causes acne. In girls, along with acne, excessive facial hair is also caused by this hormonal imbalance. Sometimes, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome can also occur with acne. Stress can aggravate acne on an acne-prone skin because of the secretion of hormones such as cortisol. A hyperactive sebaceous gland can also trigger acne. When increased oil is secreted by the glands in the skin, you should not apply creams which again block the pores and contribute to more acne. 

Knowing Acne

As we know, our skin has multiple pores, which are openings of oil glands beneath the skin. The oil glands (pilosebaceous glands) secrete oil which keeps our skin moisturized and healthy. Excessive production of oil can clog the pore, plugging the skin if it gets attached to the sloughed dry skin.

Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne encountered. It mostly occurs on the face, back, chest as these areas have more of pilo-sebaceous (sweat) glands. As skin sheds off regularly, the dead skin cells, if not removed (exfoliated), can combine with sweat and oil and can get trapped, resulting in comedones or clogged pores. Some of the commonly encountered acnes are open comedones or blackheads, closed comdeones or white heads, infected comedones or pustules, nodules or cysts.

acne in teenager adult acne

• Blackheads aka open comedones seen mostly on the face, neck, chest and back are formed because of oxidation of sebum on the surface of the pore. It is commonly formed due to clogging of pores by skin debris and oil. Chemical exfoliation or manual removal can be done. Use of salicylic acid containing facewashes can reduce the appearance of blackheads.

• Whiteheads are clogged pores (covered by a thin skin) that appear as a white bump. It can be reduced with chemical exfoliation.

• Papules are inflamed pores that appear red and painful. The skin becomes very sensitive when these papules appear and only specific ingredients should be used during their occurrence.

• Pustules are inflamed lesions containing pus, which are hard to touch. They have a pus point, which can be drained under aseptic conditions. But an antibiotic is essential to treat the issue.

• Nodules are 'very hard to touch' pus that cannot be seen ( 1-2 cm in size). They need oral antibiotics and other medicines to be controlled.

• Cysts are inflamed, painful and filled with pus. Oral antibiotics are a must, along with extraction of pus, in terms of treatment.

Some rare forms are

o Acne fulminans, which although rare are a severe form that comes abruptly in adolescent males, with nodular acne on chest and back. It can lead to scarring and painful joints with fever.

o Acne mechanica is a form of acne which is aggravated by excess heat, friction and commonly found in athletes. It is characterized by small papules that can be inflamed and painful.

hormonal acne truncal acne

Predisposing factors:

• Genetic predisposition: It has been seen that tendency to develop acne at certain age runs in families.

• Excess of androgen hormone: Increased androgen in boys and girls during teenage causes acne. In girls, along with acne, excessive facial hair is also seen in case of this hormonal imbalance. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome can also occur with acne.

• Stress can aggravate acne on an acne-prone skin because of the secretion of hormones such as cortisol.

• Hyperactive sebaceous gland: This too is dependent on hormonal levels. As increased oil is secreted by the glands in the skin you should not apply creams which again block the pores and contributes to more acne.

• Bacterial Infection: Propionibacterium acnes lives in the skin and can contribute to pustules and cysts if the pores get blocked with sebum. Proper hygiene has to be maintained in oily skin to avoid this condition.

• Acne can be associated with dandruff in the scalp, especially on forehead and along hairline.


Acne is a common condition from which most people suffer. The acne scars have the tendency to remain throughout life. It affects an individual psychologically and they can suffer from low self-esteem. So, it is advisable to consult a doctor when one suffers from acne.

Some tips to manage acne:

1. Keep your skin, scalp and things like hairbrush, towel, bed linen particularly pillow cover and makeup brushes clean.

2. Do not prick or scrub your skin when you have active acne.

3. Use gel based products and foaming facewashes. Also use moisturizer appropriate for oily skin.

4. Reduce sugar and processed food. Also, avoid diary products during acne flareups.

5. Drink 3-4 litres of water everyday.

6. Cleanse your skin immediately after workout.

Skin care products that help:

1. Cleansers which are pH balanced. In summer, a foam based salicylic acid or a mandelic acid facewash helps. Alternately, benzoyl peroxide containing washes are also helpful.

2. Spots can be treated with retinoic acid based ointments at bedtime or by a Vitamin A containing serum.

3. A sunscreen gel, ideally a zinc based one.

4. A toner, or astringent can be used according to the skin type.

5. A non comedogenic moisturizer.

6. Makeup products should also be non comedogenic.

7. A mild shampoo should be used to wash the scalp frequently.

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