Help your Child to get Back to School

As the summer break gradually comes to an end, children need to prepare for regular school again. Sometimes some children experience 'back to school anxiety'
Help your Child to get Back to School

Nowadays many schools give holiday homework that requires parent participation. This is simply a measure to engage the child and his/her parents (together) in the learning and exploration process. As a parent, please refrain from completing their work for them. Yes, I do understand that at certain times we (parents and guardians) may feel tempted to simply complete their work for them. However, doing this is not advisable. Remember that stepping back today will enable your child to develop his/her skills for future life. Besides schools are smart enough to understand what work has been done by their students and what has been done by the parent!

There is not a child in this world who does not enjoy a good summer break. All children look forward to some rest and rejuvenation and a good, long break after a few months of academics and assessments.

As the summer break gradually comes to an end, children need to prepare for regular school again. Sometimes some children experience 'back to school anxiety'. During this time, parents should aid their child/children to prepare for a new academic session replete with academics and extracurricular activities.

As a parent you can adhere to these basic things to ensure that your child/children enjoy going back to school. First and foremost reorganise the sleep routine. Majority of children go to sleep late at night during school vacations. Breaking this pattern and getting ready for the school schedule is always a challenge for both children and parents. Ensure that the child again starts going to bed early so that he/she can wake up early for school. Just a few days of practice should help to restore the normal sleep and wake time schedule. Also keep reminding your child that school is scheduled to re-open in a few days so that he or she is mentally prepared. In case the school has shared some information regarding activities planned for students, you should update your child. Doing this will make him/her look forward to the reopening day.

In case your child requires any stationary or accessories for school, you could plan a quick trip to the supermarket. You could maybe create a shopping list together before stepping out of the house. The objective is to make the child feel involved in the preparation process.

Usually during long school breaks, children inadvertently enjoy longer screen time. It is advisable to bring down the 'device use time' prior to school re-opening as otherwise children may experience difficulties adjusting to the school routine. Excessive screen time during breaks can cause a hindrance in getting back to school routine. To curtail the screen-time (prior to school re-opening) you could plan a few fun activities and engagements for the child/children.

It is essential to bring a sense of routine and regularity in terms of eating habits too. During summer breaks usually children get the liberty to try out all foods, especially the ones that are otherwise restricted for them. As the reopening date nears, it is helpful to follow a meal plan and timings that were adhered to before the school break. This will facilitate a seamless transfer to school routine.

Also cross check the completion of all holiday homework together with your child. Infact let the child take the lead and you can simply support the process. This will help him/her take responsibility for his/her own work. You can definitely help out if there is any topic which requires your assistance. Nowadays many schools give holiday homework that requires parent participation. This is simply a measure to engage the child and his/her parents (together) in the learning and exploration process. However, please refrain from completing your child's assignments. Yes, I do understand that at certain times we may feel tempted to simply complete our children's assignments. This is especially the case when we feel concerned about their workload. However, doing this is not advisable. Stepping back today will enable your child to develop his/her skills for future life. Besides schools are smart enough to understand what work has been done by their students and what has been done by the parent!

Readiness is a must for children to avoid stress and start school with a receptive mind.

Gariasi Dutta

Psychological Counsellor

down town hospital

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