Hug your Way to a Healthy and Happy Life

The simple action of embracing creates feel-good energy for both the giver and recipient.
Hug your Way to a Healthy and Happy Life

Hugging also reduces stress naturally. If you are feeling a bit drained or pressured, find someone you care about and give them an all-enveloping hug. Because research has found that embracing reduces the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in our bodies, releasing tension and sending calming messages to the brain

Since decades, medical practitioners and wellness experts have acknowledged the importance of physical touch in terms of a human being's overall psychological and even biological wellbeing. Hugging probably tops the range of physical expressions that facilitate and accelerate this wellbeing.

Hugging can be described as a handshake from the heart. The simple action of embracing creates feel-good energy for both the giver and recipient. Science has been looking into its positive effects, and numerous studies related to hugging, cuddling and touching have been reaching the same conclusion—hugging is a crucial part of human development.

According to psychologists human beings are in need of at least eight hugs or more a day. Talking about some specific benefits of hugging, Neetu Goswami a Guwahati based psychiatrist says, "Hugging is simply healthy for the heart. Embracing activates the hormone oxytocin, which makes us feel good. In my experience as a psychiatrist I have actually observed that most depression patients do not have regular physical intimacy (by way of hugs and kisses) with their family or friends."

Hugging also reduces stress naturally. "If you are feeling a bit drained or pressured, find someone you care about and give them an all-enveloping hug. Because research has found that embracing reduces the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in our bodies, releasing tension and sending calming messages to the brain," explains Goswami.

Touch is critical to infants, especially in their early stages of life as it helps them bond with others as they get older. Hugging is important for adults, too. Physical touch and hugging can combat feelings of loneliness that arise as people get older.

Informing about another benefit of hugging, Goswami says hugging can make you a more mindful and present person. According to him hugging can also minimize fears. "A recent study (conducted in US) on fears and self-esteem looked into the connection between human touch and reducing the fear of mortality. Participants were more likely to have less anxiety towards death when being lightly touched or hugging an inanimate object like a teddy bear," he shares.

Overall hugging for longer periods of time is better for the body. "When people hug for 20 seconds or more, the feel-good hormone oxytocin is released which creates a stronger bond and connection between the huggers. Oxytocin has been shown to boost the immune system and reduce stress," sums Dr Goswami.

There are some cultures that are more receptive to hugging as a social phenomenon. Dr Goswami says that although there are no definite studies to prove it, people hailing from such communities also tend to live longer.

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