Piu and an Amazing Avian Conference: A Fantastic Story

Reality of our impact on the natural environment – specifically on the avian species around us—is borne to us through a unique narrative in this book
Piu and an Amazing Avian Conference: A Fantastic Story


This is undoubtedly a must-read not only for school going children and young adults, but also for all of us who are unaware of, or perhaps intentionally indifferent to how ongoing human abuse of the natural world is bringing about disturbing ramifications. Through this book the author has provided us an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the avian kingdom and to reflect on the measure we can take to ensure its conservation.

Sikhi Choudhury's book, "Piu and an Amazing Avian Conference" is a compelling read for young readers and adults alike. Published as bi-lingual, the book has been written in Assamese by the author and translated to English by her daughter, thus making it easier for the reader to switch between the two languages based on their proficiency in either. This book is a work of fiction that uses a unique narrative method to offer up some really astounding facts about the reality of our impact on the natural environment – specifically on the avian species around us. Readers will agree that it puts forward some very pressing arguments that resonate with the 'humane' sensibilities within each of us.

The book begins with a young girl called Piu receiving a visit from some unusual friends - a pair of Common Mynas named Rotou and Tou. Right away we realize some interesting things that help build the sense of intrigue, such as (a) Piu can communicate with birds, (b) a first of its kind Avian Conference has been planned and (c) Piu is the only human being specifically invited to attend it. The author manages to ignite our curiosity and builds a sense of enchanted wonder as she describes Piu's arrival and experience at the location for the Avian Conference. As the story continues, bird lovers will be pleased to come across a lot of information about several types of birds and those of us well versed with the nuances of the language will appreciate the wit behind the names of several characters in the book. The main intent of the book is to jolt the reader into awareness about the innumerable ways human beings have been inconsiderate of their natural surroundings and the direct impact of those actions on avian life, and it achieves it through multiple accounts of facts that are delivered through a unique point of narration.

Although the pattern of the story's incidents does feel monotonous at times, it is still a riveting read that leaves us with some hard facts delivered through an enjoyable narrative of magic and fantasy. This is undoubtedly a must-read not only for school going children and young adults, but also for all of us who are unaware of, or perhaps intentionally indifferent to how ongoing human abuse of the natural world is bringing about disturbing ramifications. Through this book the author has provided us an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the avian kingdom and to reflect on the measure we can take to ensure its conservation. Bird lovers and young adults will definitely agree with the theme and message of this wonderful book.

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