Scaling Digital Communication Skills

Communication by digital means got a boost during the Covid 19 pandemic and is still the most popular choice. Here are some ways to communicate effectively using technology
Scaling Digital Communication Skills
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The unexpected result of Covid-19 has been a dramatic rise in the number of people opting to communicate only through digital means. The Sars-Cov-2 virus and its variations are to blame for this. In spite of the fact that we have fewer face-to-face interactions and are subject to more social constraints, we have embraced the various channels that enable us to communicate and conduct business.

The development of new techniques of communication has resulted in the availability of multiple avenues for interpersonal interaction.

Even with the advancements in technology that have been made in recent years, there are certain communication methods that should never be abandoned.

When people are distracted, their pitch and tone alter. Make sure you schedule enough time for uninterrupted phone calls.


Even in this day and age, businesses cannot function without email. Even though there are constant advancements being made in communication technology, the vast majority of us still check our email inboxes on a daily basis. However, due to the fact that email is the mode of communication that is used the most frequently in the office, inboxes are typically overflowing.

Make intelligent use of your subject line

Be sure that the subject line of your email is clear and concise, and that it indicates the kind of information that can be expected to be found in the body of the email.

Keep the quality of your content high

Make an effort to make the content you provide brief as well. Even though there are no restrictions on the number of words that can be sent in an email, it is most likely that the person who will receive it is just as busy as you are. People typically check their email in the brief moments that they have between performing other tasks; hence, if they believe that it will take too much time to read your email, they are likely to file it under "too difficult."

Stay on brand

Always act with the utmost level of professionalism and don't stray from your brand's values. It is important that all of your marketing messages, including those that are sent via email, have the same high level ofprofessionalism.

Provide options for a reply

Give individuals multiple ways to get in touch with you through your email signature, which will make it simple for them to respond to any messages you send them. There are some people who would rather pick up the phone and speak with you than waste time exchanging emails.

Don't be nasty

In your emails, you should never make derogatory comments or behave unprofessionally towards other individuals. Your email might very easily be forwarded to the wrong person if you are careless about who you are sending it to.

Provide context

If you are concerned that the contents of your email could be misunderstood by the recipient, you could try including an appropriate emoji into the relevant language in order to make your meaning abundantly apparent.

Messenger App

The use of messenger applications is fast increasing across a variety of contexts, including the coordination of athletic teams, social groups, and, of course, businesses as critical communication conduits.

When you use Messenger App, you have the benefit of being able to send brief, to-the-point messages to a single person or to a group of people, which is analogous to sending a text message. You are free to make use of animated GIFs, emojis, and attachments, and sending an email is not required for the communication to be considered official. When you have access to your mobile phone and it is ready for you to use it, you have the additional benefit of being able to send text messages at any time of the day. This facility is available to you whenever your mobile phone is available.

Even if themessaging app makes it possible for a less formal type of contact to take place, there are still some best practises that you should stick to in order to make the most of them as a communication channel, particularly in professional settings.

Don't drink and message

We've all witnessed the fallout that occurs when people with prominent profiles tweet while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. We do not want to lower our standards too much, despite the fact that the Messenger App are easily accessible and typically encourage a more laidback manner of speaking than other forms of communication do. Put the phone away if you plan on having a drink or two of alcohol as you relax and enjoy yourself.

Be thoughtful of the person you are contacting

You might be wide awake at three in the morning and ready to send some messages, but if the person you are trying to reach has their phone in their bedroom and is sound sleeping when the notification for your message goes off, they might not be too thrilled that you woke them up.

When using the Messenger App, it's critical to remember that just because something is possible, it doesn't mean you should do it.

Virtual meeting software

The proliferation of the use of virtual meeting software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams has completely altered the ways in which we are all able to do business. There is no longer any distinction between geographical areas. The only thing that prevents us from being genuinely global enterprises at this point is the variety of time zones that exist around the world.

One of the many significant benefits of using software to host virtual meetings is the fact that it enables users to communicate with one another in real time while also allowing them to view the other person's face. This results in less information being lost in translation, and it also means that you are still able, to some extent, to interpret facial expressions and body language, which allows you to develop a more complete impression of the person on the other end of the conversation.

There are still some best practise guidelines that you should adhere to in order to ensure that you are using these in a manner that is both professional and polite, even though it is incredibly humbling and, in some ways, energising, to see people in their natural habitat as they zoom in for a national board meeting. You can use these guidelines to make sure you're using these channels properly.

Show your face

You can actually sight the person who is talking or the person that you are talking to while using software for virtual meetings, which is one of the most significant advantages of utilising such software. It is quite unsettling when people don't have their cameras on, particularly in a more intimate meeting style, as one can only assume that they are not fully present. This is especially true when people don't have their cameras on when they should.

Let there be light!

Zoom calls may be lit from behind if you appear as a shadow. Your camera responds by not lighting your face, making you seem like a shadow. A cheap ring light can be attached to your computer to illuminate your face during meetings. This shows attendees your kindness.

No matter how you communicate, you must always remember its importance. Use these responsibly to avoid brand damage.

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