4 M's for a magical life

Always remember to move your body amidst a busy schedule.
4 M's for a magical life

Dr Suman Bharali



Always remember to move your body amidst a busy schedule. The sedentary lifestyle is to several diseases like type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome and so on. Every person is so entangled in their work and responsibilities that finding some time for physical activity seems difficult. High ambitions, debts and financial needs, pending work, and preparing for examinations keep people in chains and everything else seems like a waste of time. Some are addicted to mobile phones and live in a virtual world unaware of their body and the Universe they are living in. Many people live in the tiny cocoon they have created for themselves with all the luxuries which leave little scope for any physical activities. Even to go to nearby markets people need vehicles. For some, this has become a status symbol and they can't afford to look small.

But this artificial and luxurious lifestyle is causing great damage to the health of people as the efficiency of a body part increases by its usage. So, due to inadequate physical activity people are becoming weaker and less tolerant of physical stress. The muscle tone is lost and the body shape distorts. The joints become stiff and stamina is diminished. Due to less exposure to sunlight people are becoming vitamin D deficient which is important for many vital functions of the body.

By inculcating physical activity in our daily routine, we can stay fit and healthy. This can be outdoor brisk walking, running, swimming, playing some outdoor sports, dancing, martial arts, yoga or any physical activity we like. Doing daily household chores also keeps one active, like cleaning the rooms and surroundings, washing clothes and dishes, washing vehicles, bringing groceries and vegetables from the nearby market by walking etc. Those who use public transport can walk for a kilometre every day to the next bus stop while going to the office and can get down at a bus stop prior to their home while returning back. While studying or doing some work by sitting for a long time one should remember to move and stretch their body in between.

Physical activity enhances the circulation in our body and every cell of every organ of the body receives an adequate supply of blood to function effectively. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the organs which are also enhanced by physical activity. When we do physical activity, our breathing becomes fast and we inhale more oxygen and liberate latent gases from the lungs. Physical activity also enhances the movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract and helps in proper digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion of by-products. When metabolism is increased, the enzymes, hormones and other biochemicals in the body are secreted properly bringing the whole body in balance. Outdoor activity or activities in the natural environment will give the best result as the air will be fresh and the mind will be less distracted and our soul feels expanded in open spaces.

Stretching exercises and yoga asanas keep the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments flexible and our body remains fit to do different physical activities with ease. Deep breathing exercises and pranayama are beneficial as it supplies the body with adequate oxygen and saves the organs from hypoxia and degeneration. Movement is our natural character so we should not forget to move.

1. Meditation:

Meditation means detaching from everything for some time and reposing in the self. Our lives have become so hectic that we feel 24 hours is less for us to complete our daily work. We have been following the same routine and staying busy always yet there might be very little or no improvement in our lives. We try to control everything and everyone or think we are responsible for all. But do we have control over our own bodies and mind? Are we taking own responsibility? When we will be stable and fit, we can take proper care of others and do our work better. So, giving some time to the self every day or at regular intervals is essential. During this time, we should sit in a peaceful place away from all distractions. It is better if the place is clean, calm and dark. Then we should detach ourselves from our desires, responsibilities and ego for some time. Focus on our heartbeat, breathing pattern, different organs in the body and different body parts. We are alive and capable of doing our daily activities due to homeostasis in the body and because our body parts are fine. We should be grateful for it and take proper care of each part and organ in the body. We need to think that we are a part of the vast universe and not limited to limited space and identity. We are in the Universe and the Universe is within us. The Universal energies are being showered on everyone equally. It is due to the barriers we have created and lack of awareness, we don't receive them. So, we should remove all the negativity we have accumulated on and around us to receive blessings. When we detach from our monotonous thoughts and influences of external factors and illusions material world, we reach our pure core. The core is the soul which is pure and strong. It observes everything but is untouched by anything. Similarly, the soul of every other individual is pure. We should object to mischief and guide the person to become better. People act and behave as per the influences and experiences of the world on them. By changing their perspective anyone can improve themselves. When we see every soul as similar, we feel connected with everyone and as one family. Then there is no bias or prejudice in our minds.

After meditation our mind becomes calm and we develop clarity. Our doubts are decreased, and we understand what is right and important. Then our concentration and precision in activities increase. It helps us find answers we have been searching for for a long time.

1. Mindfulness:

Being mindful means being aware of the time, space, environment, circumstance and self – to do everything consciously maintaining harmony with the Universe and its components. First of all, we need to become conscious of our body, mind and soul. Then we should act, talk and think for the welfare of all.

We need to be mindful of every system of our body. We need to eat consciously at the proper time and food which are fresh, pure and full of essential nutrients as per the requirement of our body. Next, we should sleep at the proper time and adequately so that our circadian cycle is not altered. Our body needs to rest and recharge to function at an optimal level. Secretions of hormones, enzymes and different biochemicals in our body depend on the circadian cycle. If it is disturbed, different systems of the body are disturbed resulting in different diseases. So, sleeping at a fixed time and waking at a fixed time is essential. On average 6-8 hours of sleep is adequate for healthy adults. This may vary according to age and conditions. Then, having a disciplined lifestyle is important to keep the body, mind and soul stable. We need to have personal hygiene, and cleanliness in our clothes, living space and surrounding. Our thoughts and words should also be clean. We should avoid negative thoughts and words. Have faith, patience and work sincerely. We should be honest, confident and clear while communicating. We need to stay presentable so that we don't hesitate to go in front of people or don't feel shy when someone approaches. Our body language expresses a lot about our personality. We should be genuine, have good intentions and do the right thing.

We should not get overwhelmed by any event that occurs in our life whether positive or negative. Our emotions and thoughts are temporary and get away with time. Equanimity is necessary. We should respond consciously instead of reacting impulsively. We should not keep our minds stressed over petty things and by involving in unnecessary conflicts with our fellow beings. In the end, nothing matters. We need to stay conscious of the truth. Our time in this world is limited and nothing is permanent. We have to play our roles and complete our journey in a memorable way. Everyone is fighting their own battles for survival and evolution. Everyone is mortal and life is full of miseries. So, we need to be compassionate towards other living beings. We should not hurt others through our actions, words and thoughts due to selfish reasons. We should not remain resentful about the past or worried about the future but we should live in the present moment fully. We should find our strengths and potential and utilize them to the maximum for the welfare of every living being. We should become an asset for our family and society rather than a liability.

When we become optimistic and full of energy, we radiate positivity and attract positivity. The whole Universe is a playfield of energies. We absorb energy, utilize it and then radiate it back. As per the law of thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but is transformed from one form to another. So, we should discard negative energies and prepare ourselves to absorb positive energy from everywhere. We should find out the obstructions blocking the energies from reaching us and conserve as much energy as we can. We should discard the distraction that drains our productive energies from us. Only an energetic person can work with concentration and at an optimal level. Energy management is very important along with time management.

What not to do is as much important as what to do. We should reduce the intake of sugar, salt, refined oils and flour. We should avoid addictions of all kinds. We should not be unable to live without a particular thing or person. We should have the strong willpower to win over compulsions such as substance abuse, sexual perversions, and sadistic pleasures. We should not be judgemental, sarcastic or insult someone. We should avoid conflicts because friction erodes both surfaces. Unhealthy competition, comparison and challenges take away our peace of mind and compel us to take a different path. We start to become like the person we are thinking always and deviate from our true being. We all are unique and special in our own way. We should be the best version of ourselves not the copy of someone else. We need to bring out our best rather than follow the crowd. We should walk on the right path and set the right trend even if we have to struggle and stay alone for some time. Eventually, people will recognise us and join together.

The world is for every living being. So, we should be judicious about their life as well. We should live connected with nature and protect its integrity. We need to conserve soil, water, forests and wildlife. Keep the air pure by reducing pollution and using renewable sources of energy. Nature can protect us as well as destroy us. So, we need to live in harmony and maintain balance in the ecosystem. If we live consciously, we can live healthy, happy and peaceful.


Music is used for every activity that relaxes our minds and lifts our spirits. It is very necessary to take life lightly at regular intervals. Always staying alert or stressed has a bad impact on our body, mind and soul. We should not be busy all the time doing something or the other. Despite all the responsibilities, we should have some time for ourselves to recreate and rejuvenate. Only when are relaxed, fit and energetic, we will be able to perform better and love life. Otherwise, most people are repeating monotonous life and are burnt out. Our targets and desires never cease. After achieving one goal we set another. Soon the time slips out of our hands and we can't realize that while preparing to live better we missed all the opportunities to live fully. So, keeping all the worries and stress aside we should make our minds free from every thought and just be present at the moment sometimes. We should get bored of doing nothing sometimes. Only when our mind becomes empty and without any preoccupation, then new out-of-box ideas be generated.

Music, arts, hobbies, gardening, fishing or other light sports, nature walking, travelling and adventures, reading what we like, writing our thoughts, learning a new skill, enjoying sports, movies or series on television or any other activity which takes our mind away from stress is necessary occasionally. Living in our little cocoon and thinking about the same thing anytime makes us sick. So, it is necessary to break the chain of monotonous thoughts and engage in some recreational activities. Life is not an emergency but it should be lived to the fullest. Love self and love life. We can do anything if we are alive and fit. So, despite all the work and responsibilities we need to take care of ourselves always.

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