Aviation in Assam: Navigating a new era of connectivity

In the whirlwind of the twenty-first century, technology’s unprecedented pace is transforming industries and redefining economic growth, positioning aviation and logistics as the dynamic engines propelling this evolution.
Aviation in Assam: Navigating a new era of connectivity
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Ananya Gogoi


In the whirlwind of the twenty-first century, technology’s unprecedented pace is transforming industries and redefining economic growth, positioning aviation and logistics as the dynamic engines propelling this evolution. As we stand at the threshold of this technological revolution, it’s clear that our future depends on nurturing a workforce that is as dynamic and innovative as the technologies themselves.

Despite its rich history in transportation, Assam and the north-eastern region have yet to fully harness the power of modern aviation communication and technology. During World War II, this region buzzed with activity as British and Allied forces established crucial aerial infrastructure. Assam, Manipur, Tripura, and Nagaland became strategic hubs, their skies alive with aircraft delivering vital supplies and support. However, once the war ended, the momentum dissipated, leaving behind a legacy of untapped potential. Today, the UDAN scheme is an ambitious initiative poised to redefine the Northeast’s communication landscape by linking every city with affordable, accessible air travel. This initiative promises to unlock a world of opportunities, from boosting tourism and creating jobs to driving balanced economic growth. It is a vision of a vibrant, interconnected region ready to embrace its future.

The recent Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IIT Guwahati and Airbus India Pvt Ltd, signed on September 2, 2024, is set to usher the region into a new era of innovation and excellence. This partnership is not merely collaboration; it’s a catalyst for transforming the Northeast as a future hub for aerospace technology and logistics. By addressing global competition and bridging skill gaps in these sectors, this agreement will prepare the next generation with the expertise needed for tomorrow’s challenges.

Institutions like IIT Guwahati are at the forefront of this transformation. Their commitment to research, technology-driven education, and talent development is crucial for enhancing skills and fostering innovation. The agreement will not only unlock the potential of the aviation and related sectors but also unveil new possibilities across various industries, including transportation, hospitality, agriculture, and logistics, aligning with the current state government’s efforts to advance the new generation’s technological proficiency.

Moreover, Assam’s collaboration with Tata Technologies Limited is set to revolutionise the state’s polytechnic and industrial training institutions. Aligning with Industry 4.0, these institutions are gearing up to produce a skilled workforce ready to meet modern industry demands. With support from Singapore’s Institute of Technology, the North East Skill Centre in Guwahati is adopting international standards in skill training programmes. This initiative will unlock a wealth of employment opportunities in sectors such as retail, hospitality, and development.

The impact of expanding employment opportunities and developing skilled human resources will be profound. One of the key highlights of the IIT Guwahati-Airbus India agreement is its potential to create new career pathways in aerospace for the next generation. Assam has seen significant industrial progress in recent years, propelling it into a new phase of growth. For this momentum to continue, industry and technological development must proceed hand in hand. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, the Northeast is moving towards rapid transformation, with new opportunities emerging in communication, trade, infrastructure, information technology, etc. This has opened new avenues for trade with ASEAN countries.

The adoption of the Act East Policy in 2014 has been instrumental in forging a new path for economic, cultural, and developmental cooperation with ASEAN countries. Through bilateral, regional, and multilateral collaborations, this policy has facilitated direct connections in transportation, trade, business, tourism, cultural exchanges, sports, information technology, agriculture, and beyond. In the past decade, business relations with ASEAN countries have gained new momentum, and the investment sector has reached a new level of economic cooperation. In this context, developing the aviation sector is crucial for Guwahati to position itself not only as a gateway to both the North East and Southeast Asian countries.

The IIT-Airbus India partnership’s plan to establish a Global Skilling Centre in Aviation and Logistics will address growing industry needs and cultivate a robust pool of skilled professionals in these critical sectors. The centre aims to train 2,000 students annually from the North East and neighbouring BBIN (Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal) nations, creating new employment opportunities and enhancing the global standing of these professionals. This forward-thinking approach is not just about job creation; it is about reshaping the region’s economic landscape. The state government’s concurrent efforts to foster new ventures and provide local youth with meaningful employment opportunities are synergizing with this initiative to create a powerful ecosystem for growth. Fuelled by strategic investments and visionary initiatives, the Northeast is set to become a powerhouse where home-grown talent not only thrives but also propels the region to new heights of global prominence.

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