Fragrance of mistakes

Fragrance of mistakes

Life is a journey, it’s colourful too. Do you believe – ‘You are the captain of your soul and the master of your fate’.

Dr. Sailen Das

(The writer is an inspirational speaker. He can be reached at

Life is a journey, it's colourful too. Do you believe – 'You are the captain of your soul and the master of your fate'. Remember you have the capacity to lose, choose life, choose love, choose health and choose happiness. – You are captain of your ship of life. You can move forward in this world only through your self-confidence. What is self-confidence? What is the way to enliven this self-confidence in you? How can we instil confidence on ourselves to face day-to-day crisis situation? We see the manifestation of the actions and reactions of a confident person. But the process of being confident and enhancing the same is always an inner thing.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 'Mistake' itself is a beautiful word. What is mistake? "When you think you have made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful." There are only opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are a gift that you give yourself to find out more of who you really are. Every single situation, experience, and relationship is a portal for your soul's expansion, transformation, and evolution. Feel the power of the word 'mistake'. We should think positively that there is no mistake. Mistake means new experiences: That is the power of mistake.


Do you know! Life is a sweet song and it's like a river. So don't carry the burden of past with you. This present time and situation are in our hand, just go with the flow. Think positive and grow now. 'Chances never come again' it's an archaic thought. Life is about belief. We have a power of sub-conscious mind. Follow your inner calling and move on but livings like a bellicose.


"Researchers have found that when people believe that they can develop their abilities or intelligence through effort and persistence they have a "growth mindset," and tend to achieve more than people who think they can't do much to change their abilities". There is always a reason in every situation. We have to find out the specific reason of mistake. This analysis will teach us more.


Life is a game, so play it and enjoy it. Live like a king. Be peaceful always. Too much emotion is harmful for life. We should analyse every situation practically. In daily & practical world most of us are products of a learning environment that championed the technique of 'error-free learning'. Regular tests and experiences are often seen as demonstrations of knowledge rather than a learning process in themselves. So, why are you crying? Get what you like and else be happy with whatever you have.


You have to be positive in your approach, thoughts and every little thing in life anytime. Don't ever forget that self-confidence is the basic power, so develop it and stick to it. If you are looking for a boost in life, make it colourful. Don't let it turn into a drab, mournful black and white. Everything, it is said, bears a history. Every poem has a past as sadness has something pleasant. Every person is associated with some kind of mystery 'Life' is a battlefield. If one cannot build oneself like a true and valiant warrior we may not strike success. Keep going; Keep growing.

Sentinel Assam