Green firecrackers: Letters to THE EDITOR

Deepawali, the festival of light, will be celebrated in the country in the second week of November.
Green firecrackers: Letters to THE EDITOR

Green firecrackers

Deepawali, the festival of light, will be celebrated in the country in the second week of November. Along with lighting, fire crackers will be burnt in the festival. The burning of crackers will pollute the air. In the time of CORONA, the smoke of the fire crackers is deadly for the one who is infected or recovering from the deadly pandemic. Being responsible citizens of the country, it will be our duty to see that we do not burn firecrackers and also teach our children to avoid burning of crackers for the wellbeing of our fellow citizens for this year.

The Delhi government has banned burning of ordinary firecrackers during the Deepawali. It has notified that only green firecrackers can be manufactured, sold and used during the Deepawali in the National capital area. Green firecrackers cause low air and sound pollution, less emission of NO and SO2 gases, particulate matter reduced by 25-30 per cent and are ash-free as compared to ordinary crackers. Green firecrackers developed by the Indian Council of Industrial and Scientific Research (CSIR) are also environment friendly. We would, therefore, like to request the State government through your daily to ban burning of ordinary firecrackers this year and allow only green firecrackers if someone wants to burn crackers.

Bikash Barpujari,


Encourage use of earthenware

The pottery has been significant in Indian culture for centuries. Over time, people adopted other options and the situation of people making clay utensils got harder. At this critical time, The 'Kumhar Sashaktikaran Yojana' was the first-of-its-kind initiative taken up since independence to boost and improve the living of potters in the country. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has distributed more than 18,000 electric chalks under this scheme benefiting nearly 80,000 people of the community. Recently, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has distributed electric pottery wheels to 100 potter families in Maharashtra and said that the productivity and income of potters have increased manifolds. The scheme will further be implemented in other remote areas of Maharashtra and other States. This is a commendable move and empowering to potters. Hope that the citizens should encourage the use of earthenware and provide subsistence to the potter's community.

Amit Singh Kushwaha,

Satna (M.P.)

A few positive developments make a big difference!

PM Modi's tacit support to French President Emmanuel Macron's stand on 'free speech' and the Supreme Court's recent message are 'Let India remains a free country'-'Don't treat criticism as crime' indeed, are positive developments. Further, in a recent judgment on a sedition case against a journalist who accused Uttarakhand CM of corruption, the Uttarakhand High Court said, "Unless public functionaries are criticized, democracy cannot be strengthenedā€¦if dissent is suppressed under sedition law, it would make democracy weak. Criticizing the government can never be sedition." These are all positive developments for Indian democracy. And above have also come as a great relief for those who like to express their voices of dissent against the highest functionaries of state, who often than not are involved in perpetrating crimes against its citizens.

Prafulla Dowarah,


Skyrocketing price of vegetables

It is observed that price of vegetables is skyrocketing day by day. The daily wage earners have been extremely affected for such a rise in prices. It is heard that they prefer to buy fish to buy vegetables. The government as well as the department concerned should look into the matter and fix the prices of vegetables. The prices of vegetables at sources are very less than prices in markets. Due to middleman prices of vegetables soars.

Putul Sarma,

Biswanath Chariali

Hitting below the belt

The role of Opposition in a secular democracy like India is massive which none can deny or disagree. In reality the role played by the Opposition is really pathetic, to say the least. The main Opposition party the Congress instead of playing a constructive role is seen playing to the gallery thus falling flat on numerous occasions. Their solo agenda to hit the BJP below the belt even on trivial issues like national security is not done. Leaders like Rahul Gandhi who is always seen speaking without doing his homework is in fact cutting a sorry figure. His tirade against the duly elected PM by calling him with all sorts of names is just the sign of frustration for being out of power. As responsible Opposition the prime and foremost duty is to be a watchdog of the government and be bold and honest to cooperate with the ruling suspension if their efforts are honest but unfortunately our main Opposition party is beating the bushes somewhere else thus losing the trust or faith of the general public. A strong and vibrant Opposition is a must for a democracy to give the people their desired results.

Gaurav Chowdhury,


Carbon emissions

A research shows that in the first half of this year, global carbon dioxide emissions had fallen by 8.8% . It was because of the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19. These restrictions have proved to be beneficial as the global temperatures were increasing and leading to the depletion of the ozone layer. Every year, governments should impose such restrictions for some time as it would help to maintain the global temperatures.

Chandan Kumar Nath,


Tea: The pride of Assam

When one happens to go to Upper Assam, the long terrains of tea gardens hold a breathtaking sight and one instantly falls in love with it.

We feel proud indeed. Now, it is felt with the changing times, Assam tea can look into ways of infusing white or green tea and make it available to the masses for its health benefits.

Owing to its abundance in our State, a subject on tea can perhaps be incorporated in the syllabus at the appropriate class.

P. P Barua,


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