Letters to The Editor

When Rahul Gandhi was clearing his party's stance over CAA in his last visit to Sivasagar by wearing a gamusa where it was clearly written in bold letters 'No CAA', MP Susmita Deb refused to wear the gamusa.
Letters to The Editor
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Two camps in Congress

When Rahul Gandhi was clearing his party's stance over CAA in his last visit to Sivasagar by wearing a gamusa where it was clearly written in bold letters 'No CAA', MP Susmita Deb refused to wear the gamusa. The video which was circulated widely in social media, it can be seen that Susmita Deb initially took the gamusa then checked it thoroughly and she handed over the gamusa to Gaurav Gogoi. It has exposed the double standard of the Congress. In order to woo the voters of the Brahmaputra valley the Congress is claiming itself to be anti-CAA but in Barak valley their stance is opposite. The fact is that the Congress is doing a drama in the name of CAA. In West Bengal, we have never heard any of the senior leaders of the Congress uttering a word about CAA.

By this time all the front-ranking leaders of the Congress must have seen how Susmita Deb reacted to the issue of CAA but still no action has been taken against her. CAA is just a political gimmick of the Congress. If they were serious with the repeal of CAA they could have voiced their concern on the floor of the Parliament, but instead they choose to walkout of the debate and the voting process.

Chotu Nath Boro,


Death of secularism

A week ago a leader of Raijor Dal raised concerns about the intentions of the managing board of Sankardev Shishu Niketan schools across the State. The leader was of the view that the management committee of the Assamese medium schools is pursuing 'Hindutva' agenda and for them 'Hindutva' agenda is very communal, a threat to secular fabric of the country. Why can't the so-called jatiyobadi and anchalikbadi leaders pretend to be blind with the missionary schools. Saraswati Puja is mainly for the students as Maa Saraswati is considered as goddess of knowledge. In all the schools spread across the state Devi Saraswati Puja is performed by the students and the school managements are deeply involved. Here in the heart of the Guwahati, a few schools run by the missionaries like Don Bosco School, Saint Mary's School, Holy Child School, etc to name a few have prohibited the students from performing Puja inside the school campus. Is performing Saraswati Puja inside the school is communal and the managements barring the students from performing Puja are secular? No one is asking the missionaries to perform puja inside the school church. Why can't they allow Saraswati Puja to be performed inside the school campus?

If any religious body of Hindus asks this question to the missionaries then the Hindu religious body would become a communal. Why the AASU and the AJYCP, the flag bearers of secularism in India the Congress, AJP and the Raijor Dal put up the same question to the management committees of such missionary schools? If Christmas is celebrated in grand style in these schools, why's not Saraswati Puja? After all, the Constitution of India has declared that country is secular. The irony of the fact is that the torch of secularism is only confined with the Hindus.

Pratuljyoti Buragohain,


To Assam Government

There are far too many helpline numbers floated by various agencies, now the question is that are these numbers of any help? First, the numbers are not easily accessible, and second if you do get through after several attempts, you are greeted by a faceless tape asking you to press this digit or the other like that, until you get fed up and disconnected. The same is the story of toll-free numbers or some government numbers also. Improvement is a must soon otherwise there is no need these types of useless services where we can't get any help. Many such kinds of helpline numbers are available in Assam as well. The Assam government also needs to pay a little attention to this matter.

Chandan Kumar Nath,


Fight against dowry

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to focus the problem of dowry which is prevalent in many parts of India. I would like to suggest some possible ways to eliminate the menace of dowry. Nowadays most of the channels are broadcasting stories of women in the name of tradition. The dowry is such an evil that is seen in rural as well as in urban areas. This social evil can be removed by creating awareness as, and the media can play the crucial role to put an end to the menace.

Manish Kashyap,


'Emotional blackmailing'

This refers to the letter (The Sentinel 16/2/2021) titled "Emotional Blackmailing" written to you by Dr. Ashim Chowdhury. Dr Chowdhury is entitled to his independent views. What was not palatable, however, was his criticism of the outpouring of the public, and people taking to the streets once the CAA was passed by the Rajya Sabha. When the law makers fail to listen to the voice of the masses, people take to the streets, and there are numerous instances of this across the globe, including China. The anti-CAA movement in December 2019 was an immediate reaction of the people, when they felt betrayed by a man who in 2014, had promised in the fields of Khanapara that not a single Bangladeshi would be in Assam after April 2014. In today's world, people, except a very tiny majority, do not act merely because of emotional appeal.

In the present context, the farmers' agitation across the length and breadth of the country is an example when law makers, particularly those from the ruling alliance at the Centre, failed to listen and address the concerns of the farmers, and passed the bills, almost without any discussion. The large number of farmers who have stayed put on a series of agitations, particularly around the national capital, since the last weeks of November 2020, is a great example of mass movements, which are largely peaceful.

Another example is the mass protests by the people of Myanmar presently, after the military took over the Country, ousting an elected government. We, for sure cannot say that these events were moved by emotional blackmailing.

The recent back steps by the Government in implementation of CAA are because of the pressure exerted by the anti-CAA movements and voices.

Yes, even Mahatma Gandhi had made emotional appeals during freedom movement, because of which many happily got martyred, including young girls like Thuleswari Barua, Kanaklata Barua. The leader of the majority party showcases his "chaiwala" background, and his "aged widowed mother" for emotional bonding and appeal, too.

D Bhutia,

RGB Road, Guwahati

Harsh fact

The spurt in criminal activities in western Assam and lower Assam is alarming. Activities like cattle smuggling, encroachment of government lands, burglary, lootings, kidnapping, murder, etc are increasing each day. In most of the cases people belonging to a religious minority community are involved. These people are seemingly the vote bank of a particular political party the president of which is their messiah. This time around the century-old Congress has forged an alliance with the AIUDF for the forthcoming Assembly polls. The Congress, which often accuses the BJP of being a communal party and claiming itself the secular one, is in fact aligning with the most communal force of the State.

Joel Goyari,


'Inner conscience'

After enjoying fruits of power either as MP, MLA or top profile Minister for 10 years without uttering even a word of 'murmur' against the policies of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, the West Bengal Government or the TMC; suddenly the 'inner conscience' of the leaders concerned are getting 'awakened' every other day as if due to the 'Midas touch' of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and the BJP! The leaders or persons who abandon the sinking boat/ ship to seek greener (or saffron!) pastures when it is assumed to be sinking are nothing but dishonest unprincipled unethical lot deserving nothing but sheer contempt. If traits of sanity and sense of justice still persist in the conscience of the Bengal electorate; then these ungrateful lot and their new 'dream party' – which relentlessly tarnishes the TMC as 'party of looters and corrupt', yet continuously remain immersed in search of those very 'corrupt' elements to take them within the fold of the 'Party with a difference' – would certainly be severely punished. If people vote in favour of values, then 'mass exodus of prominent faces' would benefit neither these 'opportunistic brigade' nor their 'new patrons'!

And whatever be the alleged shortcomings of Mamata Banerjee, at least consolation remains that she didn't make any sexist remark against Sunanda Pushkar (when she was alive) nor did she make fun of dyslexia patients so as to taunt one of her political adversaries! Banerjee neither taunts any Indian citizen as 'Italian' just because the alleged foreigner is affiliated to any opposite political camp nor does she promptly level them as 'corrupt criminals looters' (without caring to furnish even an iota of proof) who dare to criticize her! And far from sporting designer clothes of astronomical value, she is the embodiment of simplicity and austerity. She doesn't insult the married ones as 'potentially corrupt' by advertising her "I have no family" status as if it is the ultimate yardstick of honesty! She doesn't taunt fellow Indians as "We are 5, Ours 25"! The name of Banerjee is not associated with any dastardly communal pogrom! Neither did she equate the victims of pogrom with "puppies trampled under wheels of cars" nor did she deliver any "clarion call" to identify criminals by their dress! Secular ethos of Indian Constitution is in drastic need of a person as secular, honest and simple as Mamata Banerjee. She doesn't desire to employ "citizen volunteers" to identify the "anti-nationals" i.e. who pose straight questions instead of blindly supporting her or her party/government! Banerjee always speaks for people of all demographic credentials in her administrative zone irrespective of their language race or religion instead of projecting herself as messiah of any particular religious or linguistic group.

It is high time the Bhakts needed to be told in clearest terms that nationalism or truth is not dependent upon the standard or yardstick set by them. The BJP is the last word of neither Hinduism nor nationalism and so the Hindu or Indian credentials of any individual would not depend upon this party or its stand on Ram temple, Kashmir, NRC, 'Gomata' beef-consumption or 'Jai Shri Ram'!

West Bengal might not be an ideal state, but this is also true that presently no other state exists in India which is a 'harbinger of thought' that needs to be emulated by all! Rather the good effects of the Bengal Renaissance still linger on in the state.

Kajal Chatterjee,


4-day work week

The recent move to introduce 4-day work week under the Labour codes of India is welcome. The initiative by the government will give the employers the flexibility to enhance the work schedule to 4 days a week and thereby results in boosting employee morale. Employees on the other hand will stand to benefit through this move as it gives them ample time to relax and spend quality time with the family members.

There is now an urgent need to review such employee-friendly policies at workplaces which will foster a good and positive relationship between the employers and the employees. The employers will get an opportunity to gain from employees' availability along with the rise in productivity on a positive note. The employees' morale will certainly get a boost as the 4-day work week will enable them to contribute proactively while staying connected to the family with the quality time spent on the weekends.

Varun Dambal,


Share prices

Present system of daily changing share prices is manipulated by vested interests mainly including big corporates and brokers. It is nothing but gambling which is never considered good for public from the ancient era of Mahabharat. If dividend income is co-related with market price of shares, then it is negligible as compared to minimum possible interest in public sector securities.

System should be changed so that any speculation in share markets (stock exchanges) may be opened for every opening day of a quarter i.e. just four times in a year. Trading may be continued for three months on share prices on closing hours of the opening day of the quarter when only speculative business may be allowed. Any bonus or right issue should be announced on the eve of such suggested date of quarterly speculative business of shares. People have not forgotten Harshad Mehta episode till now. The manner in which Sensex is rising day by day is just similar to one time ballooning of property prices which suddenly crashed resulting in heavy losses to banks and NBFCs having financed on properties. Small middle income investors presently lured by rising Sensex may not be able to bear sudden collapse of Sensex at any time like property prices crashed.

Present system of Sensex gambling suits to big and renowned corporates creating a class of super extra rich personality with just a couple of people in it becoming the richest at cost of hard earned invested money of mute category of middle income people.

Subhash Chandra Agrawal,


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