Letters to the Editor: Brain drain in NE

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to voice my serious concern regarding brain drain, which has led to the problem of outward migration of NE's talent to states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Delhi.
Letters to the Editor: Brain drain in NE
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Brain drain in NE

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to voice my serious concern regarding brain drain, which has led to the problem of outward migration of NE's talent to states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Delhi. This is because people are always searching for a better standard of living and quality of life, besides higher salaries and access to advanced technology. It is indeed a debatable issue. What are the solutions ahead? The state governments in the Northeast should focus on investing in local industries and creating policies that incentivize NE youths to stay in the region. The problem of hidden unemployment in rural areas needs to be mitigated by increasing farmers' income. This can be achieved by increasing production of rice, good urea, etc. through the SRI technique and by investing in high-value crops (HVC) and allied sectors like pisciculture. The role of stakeholders in addressing these issues cannot be overstated. It is true that there is a need for improving educational infrastructure, as there is an inverse correlation between unemployment and education. Until and unless there are gainful employment opportunities for educated youths, there is little possibility for inclusive growth and development. It is therefore the collective responsibility of the Centre and the Northeast's state governments to ensure that the biodiversity-rich region retains its talent, thrives economically, and fosters a more vibrant and sustainable future for the people of Northeast India.

Iqbal Saikia,


Assam 12th Board results and the evolving job market

The recent announcement of the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council's (AHSEC) Class 12 board results has once again ignited discussions on the importance of these examinations in today's job market. While celebrating the success of students and acknowledging the dedication of educators, it's crucial to consider a broader perspective.

While traditionally, 12th grade board marks served as a key criterion for college admissions and career opportunities, the landscape is rapidly changing. The emphasis is shifting towards practical skills, adaptability, and a growth mindset. Many employers now recognize the value of industry-specific certifications, relevant work experience, and a strong portfolio showcasing a candidate's abilities.

This is not to diminish the significance of a strong academic foundation. However, it's important to acknowledge that board exams, with their focus on rote learning and standardized testing, may not always be the most accurate indicator of a student's potential to excel in a particular field. The education system should evolve to equip students with the skills necessary to thrive in the dynamic job market. Encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and fostering a passion for lifelong learning are crucial aspects to consider.

Perhaps a system that integrates practical skill development alongside academics could be a viable solution. This would allow students to explore their interests, identify their strengths, and build a well-rounded profile that goes beyond just board marks.

The recent Assam board results are a cause for celebration, but they also present an opportunity to re-evaluate the role of these exams in the larger scheme of career readiness. It's time we move towards a more holistic approach to education, one that empowers students to succeed in the ever-evolving world of work.

Pooja Ambastha

Gauhati University

Resolve Guwahati’s drainage crisis

Through your esteemed daily columns, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the ongoing drainage problems plaguing Guwahati, the largest city in the Northeast. Despite being blessed with a network of rivers, streams, rivulets, and wetlands, the city continues to suffer from waterlogging and flooding due to the ineffectiveness of successive governments in harnessing these natural resources. The recent failure of government agencies, including the Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) and Guwahati Municipal Corporation, to address the drainage issues before the onset of the monsoon is a testament to their lack of sincerity and commitment. Despite tall claims of cleaning drains and rivers, a brief shower was enough to render their efforts fruitless. The root causes of Guwahati's drainage woes lie in the failure to clean drains properly, remove encroachers from hills and wetlands, hold irresponsible officers accountable, and penalize those who dump garbage into water bodies. As a result, law-abiding citizens are unfairly burdened with the consequences of these failures. Moreover, political interference obstructs efforts to tackle encroachment issues, exacerbating the city's flood problems. It is imperative that taxpayers and law-abiding citizens unite their voices to demand effective action from authorities to make Guwahati livable year-round. I urge government officials to prioritize this pressing issue and implement sustainable solutions to mitigate flooding and ensure the well-being of Guwahati's residents.

Sabina Ahmed

Dibrugarh University

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