Letters to The EDITOR: Environmental degradation and preservation

Globalization generally means the modernization of all things and reaching greater heights. But at present, globalization has more negative effects than positive ones.
Letters to The EDITOR: Environmental degradation and preservation


Environmental degradation and preservation

Globalization generally means the modernization of all things and reaching greater heights. But at present, globalization has more negative effects than positive ones. Globalization generally leads to environmental degradation. Environmental degradation is generally very dangerous and harmful at present because it leads to the degradation of human lives, an increase in pollution, a decline in fresh oxygen levels, and various other issues. Proper care should be taken for health issues, and development should be done keeping in mind the proper management of the mind as well as wealth. The main causes of environmental degradation are deforestation, urbanization, cutting of forests for agricultural use, construction of dams that lead to degradation of natural habitat, pollution, overpopulation, and industrialization.

Addressing this topic is very essential because it directly affects the welfare of current and future generations. There are also various consequences of environmental degradation, such as: 1. Loss of biodiversity: Environmental degradation such as pollution and habitat destruction leads to biodiversity loss. This can have long-term effects on ecosystems; 2. Climate change: through the atmospheric release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane; 3. Water scarcity: water scarcity can result from pollution and overexploitation of water resources, which may lead to their scarcity. That is why water should be used judiciously for proper maintenance. This may impact food security and lead to disputes over water resources; 4. Air pollution: Transportation, combustion, and industrial fossil fuels are the three main causes of air pollution; 5. Soil degradation: Pollution, deforestation, and inefficient farming methods can all contribute to soil degradation. This generally leads to a decline in the fertility of the soil and ultimately results in low productivity; 6. Disruption of ecosystem services: A healthy ecosystem and human well-being generally depend upon ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, pollination, and water purification, all of which can suffer negative effects or impacts from environmental deterioration; 7. Impact on human health: Environmental degradation generally has a direct impact on human health because of pollutants, contaminants in water, and floods.

Manish Kashyap


Judges are not gods but instruments of God on Earth

Addressing the Regional Conference of National Judicial Academy in Kolkata, the Chief Justice of India observed, as reported in your esteemed daily dated June 30, that it is wrong to equate judges with God. And he recast the role of the judge as a server of the people for they serve them with compassion, empathy and judge the cases without being judgmental. It is wonderful to know that judges are free persons; they have mastered their emotions and employ the positive ones as they do their duties of passing sentences even in most dreaded criminal cases. They bring about justice for the people and become instruments of the just God on earth. A recent vivid example of it is the Chandigarh Mayoral election. On Election Day, tension prevailed as allegations surfaced regarding the victory of the ruling party with 16 votes, while the opposition alliance secured 12 votes. However, eight votes were declared invalid by the presiding officer. A case was filed in the High Court by the opposition parties in pursuit of justice. Dissatisfied with the ruling, they preferred the case to the Supreme Court. On February 20, 2024, the Apex Court rendered its judgment, overturning the initial results and declaring the opposition alliance candidate as the rightful winner. On the last Judgment Day as we read in the Scriptures, Almighty God will judge us mercifully and reward us with justice. The Bhagwat Gita says that by virtue of their pious deeds, they go to the abode of Indra, the king of heaven and enjoy the pleasures of the celestial gods (9: 20-21). God will set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, to deal with all the souls justly, according to the Quran. (Quran 21:47) And according to the Bible, God will reward each of us according to what we have done. (Rom. 2: 6-7)

Fr. William Horo


Senseless action

A very popular school teacher of a government school in Telengana, credited with turning around the school's fortune as highly performing, was transferred to another school, and over one hundred students took a transfer themselves and followed him to the new school.

Why would a teacher, especially one who is delivering and building up a positive relationship with all stakeholders, be transferred like some clerk in a government office?

Such disruption simply does not make sense, unless, of course, to accommodate another teacher close to some powers that be. This needs to be stopped forthwith in the interest of public education, especially in primary schools.

Krishnanjan Chanda,


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