Letters to the EDITOR: False history

NCERT is teaching that 'Bhagat Singh was a terrorist', 'Maharana Pratap was deposed', and it has come to light that false history is being taught.
Letters to the EDITOR: False history


False history

NCERT is teaching that 'Bhagat Singh was a terrorist', 'Maharana Pratap was deposed', and it has come to light that false history is being taught. So the present generation does not know the real history of our mighty kings. The history of the atrocities committed by the Mughals against the Hindus should be taught in the school curriculum.

It is necessary to teach the true history of India in school textbooks so that the coming generation will know the history of such great sages and mighty kings. This history of Hindu heroism, including how Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj killed Afzal Khan and cut off the fingers of Shaista Khan, should be taught to the younger generation.

In the 10th Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan, the Hindu Rashtra Sansad unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inclusion of India’s glorious history in the textbooks. A majority of the members of Parliament demanded that the textbook include biographies of saints, nationalists, and revolutionaries who have shaped the history of India. Hindus get an idea of how to be active through this convention and also get a direction for work.

Aparna Jagtap


Two sides of the same coin

Prior to the recently concluded general election, we found three political parties accusing each other of being the B team of one another. Often, we saw the Congress accusing the AIUDF of being the B- team of the BJP and the BJP doing the same. However, we understand that both Congress and the AIUDF bank on the support of the linguistic minority community, as if they are their lifeline. The said community is now the deciding factor in western and central Assam. Dhubri, the bastion of the AIUDF, was under Badruddin Ajmal for decades due to the massive support of the said community. But in the last general election, he was totally uprooted by Rakibul Hussain of Congress by a record margin of votes, even though Rakibul was a total outsider. The lone NDA candidate, who happens to be a local, was nowhere in the race. In Nagaon too, the said community shifted their loyalty from the AIUDF to Congress, beating the BJP hands down. So, there is no doubt that the religious and linguistic minority people will opt for either the AIUDF or Congress in the near future. It is a harsh reality that the perpetrators of all heinous crimes belong to these vote banks of either Congress or the AIUDF. AIUDF and Congress are the two sides of the same coin.

Joel Goyari


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