Letters to the EDITOR: Irrigation facilities required

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities about the problem of irrigation facilities faced in rural areas as well as urban areas.
Letters to the EDITOR: Irrigation facilities required

Irrigation facilities required

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities about the problem of irrigation facilities faced in rural areas as well as urban areas. I hail from a village area in Udalguri. Our family and the neighbouring villagers are involved in and dependent on cultivation. We farmers all depend on the rainfall due to the lack of irrigation facilities. Sufficient water is needed to cultivate paddy and other crops. As the crops are not getting proper water intake due to poor irrigation initiatives in our locality, the farmers are suffering a lot of losses and have fallen into a debt trap as drought is seen in particular areas. Most of the people in our locality live in the Below Poverty Line (BPL) category, so we are not able to manage the facilities of arranging huge amounts of water due to the financial burden. Today, there are various technologies to arrange water for irrigation facilities in rural areas for the farmers, which will be helpful for the poor farmers and improve the country’s GDP too, whereas government steps or schemes will help the farmers earn their livelihood and will help them live a prosperous and meaningful life.

At the end, I once again would like to request that the concerned authorities look into the matter and bring about suitable solutions to the problem. 

Gayatri Boro

College road, Udalguri

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