Letters to the Editor: 'Khela hobe' used as a jingoistic slogan

A Bengali song written and composed for the election campaign of the Trinamul Congress (TMC) during the election in 2021 to the West Bengal State Assembly jelled immensely with the common voters.
Letters to the Editor: 'Khela hobe' used as a jingoistic slogan
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'Khela hobe' used as a jingoistic slogan

A Bengali song written and composed for the election campaign of the Trinamul Congress (TMC) during the election in 2021 to the West Bengal State Assembly jelled immensely with the common voters. The duplet 'khela hobe' (or, will play) was used in the song as a catchword sung on one note repeatedly that deeply resonated with the gleeful public. In a complete twist, however, the duplet was repeated by the party cadres in an aggressive posture with intimidation and threats to severe consequences for not casting their votes to the TMC. The results were seen after May 2 in unleashing post-poll violence with loot, arson, vandalize houses, rape and murder on the people in the North Bengal districts where TMC fared badly which forced thousands to run away and take refuge in neighbouring Assam. It is also learnt that many refugees even travelled to Tripura.

The slogan that forcefully pressurized the voters to vote for a particular party is nothing but jingoistic propaganda and is antithetical to democratic principle. The TMC now turning to Assam and Tripura with an eye to general polls 2024 and Tripura State poll in 2023 respectively have the right for political activity, but should not be allowed to manipulate this jingoistic slogan 'khela hobe' for political expediency in these two states. And lo! The perpetrators let loose by TMC were Jahangir's, Kader's, Shopians and the like. The state authorities concerned may ponder on this.

Pannalal Dey,


Delayed, not denied

At last, the Calcutta High Court has come out with a verdict against the West Bengal government under pitiless Mamata Banerjee on post-poll violence in the state. The post-poll violence committed by the goons of a particular community reminds us of pre-partition days which must have been forgotten by the present West Bengal electors when thousands of people were murdered, raped and rendered homeless by marauding mobs. Every sensible patriotic Indian should be aghast to see how an overambitious lady can be so ruthless to be in power against her people as vengeance against those who did not vote for her. We hope the SIT probe will unearth many startling facts. It is also reported that a senior IPS officer was also used by the Chief Minister in her misadventures. It should send a clear and loud message to our Naba Sarania, Akhil Gogoi and those intending to join TMC about the real image of Madam CM as more such evil designs of her will be exposed in no time. Delhi is far away from a merciless power-hungry lady.

Yes, justice may on some occasions be delayed, but not denied. Let us wait and see.

Dr Ashim Chowdhury,


Raising ugly heads

The story is unfolding and snakes hiding under the soil are raising ugly heads as their ideology Taliban have returned to power in Afghanistan after 20 years, thanks to US President Joe Biden. The story which I am referring to is about Assam which has a huge chunk of Taliban and anti-Indian supporters thanks to the then red-carpet welcome that was provided by previous Congress governments to Bangladeshis in Assam. These Bangladeshis have entered Assam with a clear-cut agenda and the agenda is to convert Assam into an Islamic state. Recently, 15 people of varying ages were arrested by the Police for posting pro—Taliban posts on Facebook. Among them one is a student of MBBS in Tezpur Medical College Hospital (TMCH), one is a Maulavi (Islamic religious teacher). Another important observation one needs to do is to analyse the names of the arrested people which are available in newspapers and social media pages. The names of the traitors indicate that they are not indigenous or khilonjia Muslims but point that they are infiltrators from Bangladesh. Assam Police must keep a strict vigil in sar areas, madrassas and masjids because these people would try to brainwash innocent people into joining Taliban or any other Islamic fundamentalist terror group like ISIS, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Hamas, Jaise Muhammad and the numerous other active groups because the sleeper cells present throughout the state have received a boost following Taliban's upsurge. Elsewhere, in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), in Moharram celebration slogans of 'Pakistan Zindabad' were raised. Can anyone imagine someone raising 'Hindustan Zindabad' in Pakistan? Not only the person concern but his/her whole family would be wiped out from the planet. Truly, India is unique in every aspect!

The various organizations like AASU, AJYCP, and ABSU are mute in this regard. They should start an awareness campaign against the threat of jihadi force staying within the state.

Dhiman Senchowa,

North Lakhimpur.

Five points

Through your esteemed daily, I want to raise 5 points before the esteemed readers about the resurgence of Taliban terrorism in Afghanistan which has caused concerns in the corridors of New Delhi. The first point is will the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) send their team to Afghanistan now? They wanted to send their team to Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 360. My second point is the Human Rights activists always talk about the human rights of radical stone-pelters in Kashmir but will they now talk about minor girls in Afghanistan? The terrorist Taliban are going door to door and forcibly marrying girls as young as 12 years and also forcing them into sex slavery. My third point is a section of people trended 'Boycott Israeli Products' and 'Boycott French Products' on Twitter but that the same people are mum regarding Taliban. Why they are not trending 'Boycott Taliban' on Twitter? My fourth point is that the 'secularist gang' calls Israel a 'fascist state' but they don't consider Hamas and Taliban as a terror organizations. They consider the Taliban as fighters who are fighting for a religious cause. My fifth and last point is pseudo-secularists oppose the Uniform Civil code in India but are silent about the Taliban's Sharia rule.

Playing victim cards and appeasement card is the habit of 'pseudo secularists', Leftists and Congress.

Julie Bhuyan,


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