Letters to the Editor: Short playback

Letters to the Editor: Short playback

Some years ago, the world’s one of the most respected and successful stars

Short playback

Some years ago, the world's one of the most respected and successful stars, Jackie Chan's son Jaycee got arrested in a drugs case the Hollywood actor did not support his son. He ensured that his son gets full treatment like a normal criminal. Later on, in the court of law his son was proved guilty and sent to prison. Jackie Chan donated his wealth to charity instead of his son. The famous actor thus executed the role of a father brilliantly.

When Shahrukh Khan's 23-year-old son was caught red-handed in a drug case, some of his colleagues from the Hindi film industry jumped to defend him saying he is a kid. His parents remained tight-lipped and instead of cooperating with authorities concerned, they were found to be using all their sources to defend their son. Shahrukh Khan has failed both as husband and father because a few years ago his wife Gauri Khan too was caught in an airport in a foreign country for carrying narcotics.

Before parting, those who are defending Shahrukh Khan's son as a kid should be reminded that Neeraj Chopra at the age of 23 years won a gold medal for India in the recent Olympic, 23-year-old Rajiv Ghosh was sitting on the icy heights of Kargil guarding the nation and was in command of 120 men, Sachin Tendulkar at the age of 23 was leading a cricket-mad country on his shoulders plus taking the pressure of the millions of fans who considered him the best batsman of all time, Captain Vikram Batra sacrificed his life fighting the enemies in the hostile mountain terrains of Kargil at the age of 21 in 1999 Kargil war.

Julie Bhuyan,


Wildlife conservation

Conservation is an effort towards the efficient use of natural resources in order to ensure that these are not used beyond their limit of irreparable damage. The principal aim of the conservation of wildlife is to ensure the survival of life in all its forms and varieties. Animals and birds have been poached for the meat, fur and medicine trade. Apart from safeguarding the environment, conservation tries to slow down depleting trends of the natural resource base. Birds and animals form a vital part of that resource base. Conservation means strict, managed protection, given to living species of the wild. The establishment of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries are a very effective method of conserving natural areas and their wildlife. A major method lies in breeding vulnerable species in captivity. Again, taking up public awareness drive with the help of media like TV, internet, newspapers, educational programmes etc., people, in the general and young generation, in particular, can be motivated to play a responsible role in conservation and preservation of wildlife. This is a duty we must respond to to secure our future on this planet.

Pinaki Goswami,


Urban farming

Through the esteemed and widely circulated column of your newspaper, I would like to express and convey my views to society.

In today's era, farming in cities has become the biggest challenge. Because malls, hospitals, apartments and schools are being built everywhere. Due to which the trend of urban farming is increasing in cities nowadays. In such a situation, people have started farming in less space in their homes. Although this concept was being run in foreign countries earlier, with the passage of time, now the urban people of our country have started following it. Now, our Government of India is also encouraging people to adopt this concept in their homes and make their families healthy. Today we will tell you about this foreign concept i.e. urban farming in this letter. By adopting which we will be able to enjoy pure and green vegetables sitting at home. So, let's know how urban farming is done.

1) Terrace Farming: We can also use the roof of our house for terrace farming. On which we can cultivate many types of vegetables and flowers. For example, tomato, lemon, aloe vera, marigold, green chilli, rose etc.

2) Vertical Farming: This cultivation can be done easily on the walls of the house. Under this, we can grow vine vegetables or flowers like gourd, pumpkin, bitter gourd and cucumber etc.

3) Balcony Farming: If we are fond of farming at home, we can also use the balcony for farming. Under this, we can grow plants of Hawthorn, Marigold and Morning Glory etc. and make our balcony beautiful.

Pinaki Nandy


Spam calls

Peace of mind is a luxury nowadays and the poorest of the poor enjoy this luxury. The person who is away from all these modern gadgets always goes to his bed contented and happy. Technology is great, it has made our lives a little better than it was a decade ago, but we have traded our peace of mind for that. There was not enough cacophony that the spam calls have also added to it. Almost every service provider spams us with calls enough to get us fuming and annoyed. Even after blocking those numbers, I have no earthly idea how they come up every day with a different number to spam. This is harassment, and we have long been mute spectators. I think it is time we knocked on the law's doors.

Noopur Baruah,


So confusing

I have stopped watching talked shows of various news channels of the state when politicians participate because it confuses me so much. The majority of the politicians have no integrity. Before elections, when I confined myself to the TV to know the agenda and issues of various political parties. Post-elections, I have found out that those shouting at the top of the voice for a particular party before elections are now shouting for another party. For lesser mortal like me get confused as to how after a period of two to three months a person can change his outlook so fast. The other day, three panellists namely Naren Sonowal (BJP), Pankaj Borbora (BJP) and Mira Borthakur (Congress) were debating over certain policies of the government. These people say six months back were representing different political parties like Pankaj Borbora was representing Congress criticizing Modi and Sonowal extremely hard, whereas Naren Sonowal was with BJP striking hard on Gandhis, Ripun Bora and company, Mira Borthakur was with Anchalik Gana Morcha and was attacking Modi, Sonowal, Rahul Gandhi and Torun Gogoi. But to my shock, it was an opposite picture the other day, Pankaj Borbora was singing praises for BJP, Himanta Biswa Sarma and Modi; Naren Sonowal was all in praise for Bhupen Bora and the Gandhi family and Mira Borthakur was singing peans for Ripun Bora, Debobrata Saikia, Rakibul Hussain, Bhupen Bora and Sonia Gandhi. From that day, I have decided not to hear any more from these types of leaders.

Manthan Rudra Kashyap,


Don't spare GNRC

Rajkanya Barua's episode has exposed the real and ugly face of private hospitals in Guwahati. Without any problem, Rajkanya Barua was kept in the ICU and the truth came to light when a special panel from the GMCH went to GNRC to find out whether the absconding girl was ill. We all know a section of private hospitals have a dubious record of cheating patients and their attendants through various means. Over the years, many people have raised concern over the malpractices in the said hospitals but it all fell on a deaf ear. Shifting a patient unnecessarily to the ICU is the most common practice. During that period hospitals bleed the attendants dry. Coming to Rajkanya'a case, it is proved beyond doubt that an ICU bed in the GNRC can be managed easily, one does not have to show medical reports. We better call the cabins and ICU beds of GNRC lodge. If one can afford it, he/she can stay in the hospital at one's wish.

The entire management committee of the GNRC hospital along with the attending doctors of Rajkanya Barua should be brought to book because providing false documents/proofs to the investigation agencies and also misleading the court proceeding is a crime under IPC. The media should disclose the names of the doctors who sided with Rajkanya Barua for money forgetting their responsibilities towards their society.

Pratap Dutta,


Sentinel Assam