Letters to the Editor: Trust deficit

The situation of the Indian National Congress leadership is best described by their own- Kapil Sibal- who in his latest interview described it to be in cloud-cuckoo land.
Letters to the Editor: Trust deficit

Trust deficit

The situation of the Indian National Congress leadership is best described by their own- Kapil Sibal- who in his latest interview described it to be in cloud-cuckoo land. An apt description of the grand old party (however, nothing grand anymore!) whose every chintansivir end up hailing the Gandhi triumvirate of Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka, despite repeated electoral and organizational debacles. Their coterie of sycophants were mostly incompetent lineage from political dynasties or senior leaders who have lost mass appeal. Even if the Gandhis understand this, they can't do much as only for these sycophants, their own family's political relevance is protected. Their leaders and workers across rank and file in all states have abandoned the party, apprehending disaster as the rudderless ship is heading towards iceberg of extinction! Theyjoined different other parties hoping to stay relevant in Indian politics.

But the real point is 'Trust Deficit'. There is no dearth of charismatic capable leaders in the Congress party. But, over the years a sinister propaganda of creating a divide between central leader and state leader is manifested so that the Gandhi-Vadra clan doesn't face any competition for the prime position. Sonia Gandhi's so-called sacrifice to Dr. Manmohan Singh for the Prime Ministerial position in 2004 was a farce, as she wasn't eligible as per constitutional provision. Nevertheless, they want to monopolise the central leadership position, continuing on the legacy overlooking individual credibility and capability. This is a clear case of 'trust deficit' on the part of their leadership.

Second, while asserting that Gandhis alone can keep the flock together, regional leaders exhibit distrust within. This is an absurd notion which also presents dishonesty and suspicion within the party. Repeated spate of accusation and counter allegations among party leaders is testimony to the clandestine bitterness. Therefore, its overall 'trust deficit' within the party ecosystem.

The need of the hour for the old party is to discard 'self before else' attitude across party lines, and foster 'trust' within, before seeking 'trust' from the present informed electorate.

Monoj Kumar Hazarika


Erring lawmaker

Of late, it has become common for some lawmakers belonging to both ruling and opposition have started behaving like ordinary goons in full view of the public even to the extent of misbehaving with the law enforcing authority to prove their authority or popularity before the public.

Recently, while watching a local TV channel, I saw a video clipping where one lawmaker from Morigaon belonging to the ruling party openly rebuked a police officer on duty in full view of the public in an election campaign somewhere in Morigaon. There are many instances in the past when the said MLA was found to be on the wrong side of the law. We, the electorates are all watching to deliver the verdict soon as we are the ultimate arbiter. Thus far no further.

Dr Ashim Chowdhury


Pink ball in cricket

As the pink ball is making a steady impact in Test cricket, it evokes interest to draw comparisons over the behavioural aspects between it and the conventional red ball. Study reveals that while wax is used in the making of the red ball which gives it the cherry colour after a few hours of the game in progress, the same is not used in the making of the pink ball because wax will turn it into black quickly while in use. And, which is why ball polish coating is used on the pink ball which prevents abrasions on it and helps maintain its colour till around 40-50 overs. Likewise, the seam is more pronounced in a pink ball with an equal mix of synthetic and linen, whereas the seam on the red ball is entirely synthetic. Finally, while the red ball is used in matches that end before sunset, a game with a pink ball generally starts in the afternoon, with half of the game being played after the dew sets in as the linen in the seam absorbs the dew and allows for a better grip for bowlers.

Ranganathan Sivakumar

Tamil Nadu

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