Orunodoi: An instrument for women empowerment

The evolution of society is an outcome of the evolution of human thought.
Orunodoi: An instrument for women empowerment

Ashok Singhal


The evolution of society is an outcome of the evolution of human thought. The quest for novelty has permeated the very fabric of modern Indian society, igniting a fervent awareness. Women, an indispensable part of society, are now at the forefront of this movement, embracing newfound enlightenment with unmatched zeal.

The illustrious civilization of ancient Bharat has always held women in high regard, treating them with the utmost dignity and respect. Women were revered as paragons of strength and wisdom, epitomized by the term ‘Janani,’ meaning mother. Figures like Gargi, Draupadi, Janakanandini Sita, and Maitreyi were revered during that era. History attests to their honoured lives, free from subjugation. In Indian society, women are seen as embodiments of prosperity, Lakshmi, or other divine forms. According to Vedic tradition, women and men are likened to the two indispensable wheels of a chariot, each contributing equally to its movement. The progress of a society lies in fostering economic, social, and political collaboration between genders. Recognizing women’s pivotal role and acknowledging their vital contribution to cooperation is imperative. The visionary words of India’s esteemed Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas,” echo a clarion call for unparalleled leadership in this area. As India emerges as a global powerhouse, the visionary idea of constructing a robust welfare state is being ardently pursued. The Bharatiya Janata Party, which assumed power shortly after the 2014 general elections under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has consistently prioritized women’s welfare. Initiatives like “BetiBachao, BetiPadhao,” “Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana,” etc., have played a positive role in women’s empowerment and poverty alleviation. The Prime Minister’s inspiring vision for a ‘New Bharat’ has galvanized leaders across all levels of government to work towards the betterment of all citizens. The Government of Assam, led by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, has also introduced various welfare schemes, following the Prime Minister’s dream. The Orunodoi scheme is a stride towards realizing this noble purpose. Orunodoi, which translates to “rising of the sun,” embodies the power of the sun to dispel darkness and elevate society to new heights.

Much like the rising sun, this initiative shines as a beacon of hope, inspiring those facing economic and social struggles to lend a helping hand to those in need, fostering diverse and harmonious interactions, and uplifting economically disadvantaged individuals who have been grappling with various challenges.

Driven by the principle of “One Family, One Scheme,” Orunodoi has launched an initiative to support housewives, widows, physically challenged individuals, unmarried women, and members of the third gender. The government acknowledges the significance of uplifting economically disadvantaged individuals and has taken steps to provide them with financial and social support. Initially, the scheme provided a monthly amount of 830 rupees to each beneficiary. After two revisions, the amount has been increased to 1250 rupees per month for each beneficiary through the direct transfer process (DBT), which has been instrumental in eradicating poverty and promoting economic self-reliance. The government has also reviewed the list of eligible beneficiaries, resulting in a decrease in the number of beneficiaries from 19 lakhs to 17.07 lakhs. Furthermore, plans are underway to expand the scheme’s coverage in Orunodoi 2.0, with a target of reaching 27.61 lakh beneficiaries, including the Indira Miri Universal Widow Pension Scheme and the Deendayal Divyang Pension Scheme, encompassing 10.57 lakh beneficiaries.

The Orunodoi scheme has proven to be a blessing in disguise for marginalized sections of society who have borne the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has offered relief in meeting the needs of daily essentials, medicines, fruits, vegetables, and other elements of a balanced diet.

The Orunodoi Scheme is a ray of hope for economically vulnerable women, an endeavor to provide good health, social standing, and self-reliance to economically disadvantaged women in society. Through this scheme, self-reliance can be achieved through personal and collective efforts. Personal assistance provided by this initiative can help overcome various challenges. For instance, for an elderly widow with no source of income, the financial support from Orunodoiis invaluable. During times of illness, essential needs like fruits, vegetables, and other necessary items can be met.

Additionally, in rural areas, elderly individuals often play a role in religious ceremonies like Namghar and Than. In such scenarios, the assistance provided by Orunodoi becomes a lifeline. A housewife is the cornerstone of a household. A healthy home environment stems from the relentless efforts of a housewife, ensuring continuous comfort. Alongside her responsibilities towards her children, a housewife tirelessly manages other family members and household chores in an unpaid capacity. Although their unpaid work is a crucial component of economic activity, it has often been overlooked in economic analysis and policymaking. How can we address the root causes of their struggles? Who will step forward to bridge the gaps? Can the aspirations of a housewife, harbored for so long, lead to self-reliance? Yes, the government of Assam has taken the initiative to meet these needs.

It’s essential to note that Orunodoi operates not only at a personal level, providing assistance, but also at a societal level. The impact of self-help groups (SHGs) is evident in every village and city. By raising awareness about women’s crucial role in collective savings, these groups enhance their influence within society. Women-led small businesses, such as food production and handicrafts, are being established, elevating their economic status. Moreover, banking services have been extended to these women, as having a bank account is essential for their financial inclusion. Consequently, women in society are becoming actively engaged in economic activities, contributing to meaningful economic integration.

It’s worth highlighting that women’s empowerment transcends economic aspects; it holds significant social implications. A strong woman contributes to a strong family, which in turn strengthens society, ultimately fortifying the nation. This empowerment is not merely a personal achievement; it’s a small endeavor that can lead to substantial societal transformation. Small efforts invariably bring about significant changes over time. Orunodoi represents such a modest effort with a noble purpose for the future. Thus, this initiative to empower women is crucial not just for the present but also for a more promising future.

With a visionary perspective, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has set a genuine example of women’s empowerment. The women of Assam welcome the scheme and hope for its continual enhancement. Beneficiaries have expressed their belief that this scheme was introduced not only to gain votes in elections but also to propel women forward hand in hand. Gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth can all be achieved through investments in women’s empowerment, and the government of Assam is steadfastly bringing the women of the region to the forefront, pledging to provide them with a secure and healthy livelihood to cherish.

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