Ram Mandir Bhumi Puja

Ram Mandir Bhumi Puja

In two days Bhumi Puja will be over for Ram Mandir which was a long-disputed site. Pujas in Hinduism are elaborate

In two days Bhumi Puja will be over for Ram Mandir which was a long-disputed site. Pujas in Hinduism are elaborate, ritualistic and very beautiful with preparations starting way ahead for days. As King Ram is well known for his ideals of equality, humility and live for all religions, it is hoped it will usher in an era of tranquility in our nation where everyone is happy in following his religion, leading the home, society and the nation together cementing the relationship with trust and love. Let us love and live life to the fullest showing due respect to all religions.

Purabi Pathak Barua,


Sentinel Assam