Relief to COVID widows: Letters to the Editor

The move of the Government of Assam to provide the eligible widows whose husbands had died of COVID-19
Relief to COVID widows: Letters to the Editor

Relief to COVID widows

The move of the Government of Assam to provide the eligible widows whose husbands had died of COVID-19 with the one-time financial assistance of Rs 2.5 lakh from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund is indeed commendable. It will be extended under the new 'Chief Minister's COVID-19 Widows Support Scheme,'

But, I fail to find any point in one of the eligibility criteria that says that a widow will be eligible for the scheme only when her husband was COVID positive at the time of the death, whereas the newspaper ad itself reads- 'With a motive to provide social and financial security to all widows who have lost their husbands due to COVID-19.' Isn't that a contradiction? The government, while initiating the scheme, should have taken into account only the cause that was responsible for the death, or it could have placed the criterion that the beneficiary's dead husband must be a COVID patient being treated in the government hospital. Only then the scheme would have been more relevant and beneficial.

Dipen Gogoi,

Teok, Jorhat.

Ujani, Deshi-A confusing identity

We noticed the article published in your esteemed daily on July 5 with a heading 'Indigenous Muslims have a unique identity: CM' were an ethnic group-Ujani, Deshi community is showed as a separate community. It bears confusion to common people because Ujani and Deshi is the identity of a single community. There is sufficient historical evidence that the said community was designated as Deshi, not Ujani. Ujani title was locally given by the people migrated from then East Pakisthan to differentiate themselves from the local people of the same religion. Being the inhabitants of the upper locality in comparison to them (East Pakistani), they used to call local Muslims Ujani (inhabitant of upper) without any historical base and identified themselves as Bhatia (people migrated from lower). Deshi bears some historical base. On the contrary, Ujani is a crude term without a historical base. As such, Deshi people have a strong objection to calling their identity Ujani.

Mozibur Rahman,


Historic initiative

I welcome the exceptional and historic initiative and interactions of the Chief Minister of Assam with the noted personalities and representatives of indigenous Assamese Muslim communities. We will not be able to move forward even an inch without the comprehensive participation and emotional attachment of the indigenous Assamese Muslims for the larger Assamese nation-building and a matured Assamese society. Assam would have gone a long way if such historic steps had been taken earlier by all previous Assam governments.

Dr B.K. Nath,


Population control

Recently our Chief Minister proposed a measure for population control, especially among the immigrant Muslims in the State. Population growth is a matter of concern as it affects all sides, from food security to poverty. In each family, two children are enough instead of more than five children. It not only disrupts family planning but also leads to more poverty. The decision to not provide government jobs to one having more than two children is a proper way to encourage population control. To follow up this measure, the National Health Mission (NHM), Assam, took the initiative to deliver contraceptives at home. These measures will try to bring the population under control as this is one of the reasons for poverty in our country. Two child-plan also helps in family planning. A few people in remote areas are not aware of family planning or how population control will do nothing but benefit them. The campaigns that are headed by NHM, Assam to observe World Population Day might help them to understand it better.

Himadri Kalita,


Open letter

to Akhil Gogoi

Dear Akhil Gogoi, at the outset, I would like to congratulate you on two counts. One is for getting elected to the Assam Assembly from the prestigious Sivasagar constituency. Two is for coming out under the open sky after spending 1 year and 7 months (approximately) behind the bars. Now, you are a respected public representative and accordingly your responsibilities have also increased manifold. Every step you make and every word you speak inside and outside Assembly would be closely monitored by the public. All attention would be focused on your deliberations and reactions inside Assembly in particular. A considerable section of Assamese people is keeping high hopes with you. I wish you will give your best to give a new lease of life to their hopes and aspirations.

Your vision to develop the Sivasagar constituency as a whole is commendable. Of course, mission in hand would be quite challenging. Relentless efforts would yield better results. To be successful in your vision and mission you have to have full cooperation from the State government. As such you have to develop some kind of rapport with the government without compromising your stand/ principle. A give-and-take attitude would produce a healthy environment. Showing a bellicose attitude towards your opponents on every issue would only vitiate the overall environment without any tangible result. Please do remember one thing that you are the lone man at the party. Other Opposition parties may not support you on all issues inside the Assembly. As things stand today, it is for sure that your opponents would always try to provoke you inside Assembly and outside as well. Don't get trapped in their net. The way forward has to remain calm against all odds. The general perception among people is that Akhil Gogoi loses his cool within no time and starts hurling foul words against people who don't like to toe his line. We understand that dissent is the beauty of democracy. So be it! Thus, we want to see Akhil Gogoi, a different man altogether. Akhil also needs deep introspection. It goes without a saying that Akhil is a great patriot who loves Assam to the core. We wish him great success in his maiden political career. I take the privilege to write this letter because I love and respect him for his undaunted spirit against injustice and wrongdoings. I want to conclude with the words of Robert Frost- "I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep".

Prafulla Dowarah,


Crowded vaccination centres

Through your esteemed daily, I would like to express my utmost concern regarding the pathetic scenario at vaccination centres. As we all know, the vaccination drive is going on for a couple of months now, what we observe lately is that the COVID protocols are being violated. People, with time, are neglecting the virus that has taken millions of lives. It is good to see that people are coming out to take a jab but it is not acceptable to break the COVID-19 guidelines at this point, where the country is slowly recovering. So, through my column, I request the centres to appoint volunteers who will ensure that people maintain social distance and follow the protocols for the greater well being and survival of mankind. And citizens should themselves realize that we are still not out of danger. The virus is still there.

Kabir Chakraborty,

Cotton University.

Late Stan Swamy

Mainstream national English print media had gone ballistic eulogizing the late Stan Swamy who died of a heart attack in a top Mumbai hospital. A Jesuit priest in cahoots with Maoist ultras engaged in killing cops and fellow tribals alike, destroying equipment and machinery deployed for development work in their area of operation, blocking all progress so that their writ prevails, that's the reality. A master disruptor exploiting social fault lines to destabilize the society and nation, indicted, facing the due process of law and out on bail dies a natural death and now he is a martyr. If this is not part of a break India agenda, what is?

Krishnanjan Chanda,


Morning guests

Mornings are beautiful for many things. Many writers and thinkers crank up their mind engines in the morning and the morning air serves as the fuel. Writers like Salman Rushdie, Ernest Hemingway chose to scratch the paper with their pens the first thing in the morning. Mornings help one to bat away distractions and inject good thoughts. Birds are a very big part of mornings. They are the messengers of 'feel goodness'. A family of house sparrows, common mynas, black drongos and a pair of doves are our regular guests in the morning. They would chirp and coo until they get their crumbs of biscuits and bread. They are like a part of our family now. We have also arranged bowls of water for them. Feeding birds are not only enjoyable as they are great companions but also it has many benefits, such as they help in pollination of flowers, so if we have a flower garden, birds will help to make our flowerbeds shine with more vibrant colours. These birds that remain close to human settlements need our love and care as we are their only hope. Now as greenery in cities is fast fading away, we have to shelter these beautiful beings with more love and care before they fly away to an unknown land.

Noopur Baruah,


RSS chief's statement

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has affirmed that the standard and safety of the life of Indian Muslims are better in India than in any other country. Still, if some of them feel they are backward it is pure imagination or due to lack of motivation on their part based on their own religious beliefs or faith or trust. No Muslim of this country can say that he was denied opportunities in education or jobs just because he/she was a Muslim.

Chandan Kumar Nath,


Finally recognized

The indigenous Muslims are the most deprived class of the State. We don't have a single representative in Assembly though our population is around 40 lakhs. The indigenous Muslims are either converted or prisoners of war. These people over the years have embraced Assamese culture and tradition and are very much part of the proud Asomiya family. Over the years, after the immigration of Bengali Muslims from former East Pakistan, the indigenous Muslims have been clubbed with infiltrators. The infiltrators known for various anti-social and anti-national activities have created a mindset in society that the majority of criminal activities are done by them. The indigenous Muslims are too seen with the eyes of the suspect. I appreciate the BJP government under Himanta Biswa Sarma for addressing the issues concerning the indigenous Muslims. The meeting held on July 4 should augur well for the future. Lastly, I would State that by language, culture, tradition and customs, the indigenous Muslims are poles apart from the immigrant Muslims. Being a son of the land I feel ashamed when we are addressed in the same brackets with immigrants.

Tanveer Mullah Haq,


Academic term

It is a welcome and proactive step by the board to split the academic term into two terms given the COVID-19 pandemic as the new pattern eases out the amount of stress a student faces, which in turn, will have a positive impact on student's mental well-being. This will also help students to learn seriously throughout the year rather than have a disintegrated approach wherein they only concentrate during exams. By factoring in internal assessment and project works, the new formula will also ensure a fair and unprejudiced distribution of marks.

Akash Kumar,


Reconstitute PM National Relief Fund

Prime Minister National Relief Fund (PMNRF) was constituted by first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in the year 1948 when Congress was the only dominating political party. PMNRF, therefore, had Congress president as a permanent member of the six-member committee. But with subsequent changes in the political system, BJP has replaced Congress as a strong ruling party not only at the Centre but in many States also. It becomes a practical necessity that the constitution of the PMNRF committee may be suitably revised so that the Congress president may be replaced by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. PMNRF has also one of its committee members as Deputy Prime Minister, a post not necessarily being always existing. Therefore, the PMNRF constitution should be to have a Union Minister nominated by PMNRF Chairperson who happens to be the Prime Minister.

A representative from the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) already exists in the original PMNRF committee. But original PMNRF constitution had a permanent nominee from Tata Trustees because Tatas were the leading-most industrial giant in the country at that time. To be fair to each industrial group and to get added contribution to PMNRF, the sixth seat for some particular industrial group should be decided through auction or tender every year whereby the industrial group offering maximum contribution may become a sixth committee member of PMNRF.

Madhu Agrawal,


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