The pertinence of ancient Vedic Yoga in present times

Yoga is a multifaceted tradition encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual practices.
The pertinence of ancient Vedic Yoga in present times

Dr. Meenakshi Hariharan


Yoga is a multifaceted tradition encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual practices. Until recently, this art and science of healthy living was obscured to the common man like many other ancient Indian wisdoms.We probably visualized a yogi as a person who is skilled in yoga in some ashram,or a yoga trainer teaching some weird yoga poses to a bunch of health enthusiasts,or one can also imagine someone trying to learn some exercisesand bizarre postures through a random YouTube video for weight management.  But yoga is much more than just a bunch of flexible physical poses and postures. True yoga is practiced off the mat, aiming to unify the self: mind, emotions and body.The main goals of ‘Yoga in Daily Life’ are Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Health, Spiritual Health, Self-Realization or realization of the Divine within us. It is about harmonizing oneself with the universe. It is the technology of aligning individual geometry with the cosmic, to achieve the highest level of perception and harmony. This ancient Vedic wisdom, understood and reformulated in this scientific age has been identified as a single, universal source of all orderliness in nature and a practical and scientifically validated procedure to apply for the benefit of mankind.

The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. The science of yoga has its origin thousands of years ago in India, long before the first religions or belief systems were born. In the yogic lore, Shiva is seen as the first yogi or Adiyogi, and the first Guru or Adi Guru. Yoga philosophy was a part of and has been mentioned in the Rigveda. It is one of the six systems of Vedic philosophy. Maharishi Patanjali, rightly called ‘The Father of Yoga’ compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his ‘Yoga Sutras’ (aphorisms). In contemporary times, the great yogis like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Krishnamacharya, Sri Aurobindo, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Baba Ramdev, and the like presented rational interpretation of their experiences of yoga and brought about a practical and scientifically sound method within everyone’s reach. Yoga today, is no longer restricted to hermits, saints, and sages; it has entered into our everyday lives and has aroused a worldwide awakening and acceptance in the last few decades. The science of Yoga and its techniques have now been reoriented to suit modern sociological needs and lifestyles.

Asyoga works on the level of one’s body, mind, emotion and energy, this has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga — Karma Yoga, where we utilize the body; Bhakti Yoga, where we utilize the emotions; Gyana Yoga, where we utilize the mind and intellect; and Kriya Yoga, where we utilize the energy. The widely practiced Yoga Sadhanas (practices) are: Yama (restraints), Niyama (observances), Asana (body postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques) , Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi/Samyama (states of meditative consciousness), Bandhas & Mudras (energy locks and gestures), Shat-karmas (purification techniques), Yukta-ahara (balanced diet), Yukta karma (balanced actions), and Mantra japa (repetition of mantras). Yamas are restraints and Niyamas are observances. These are considered to be pre-requisites for the Yoga Sadhanas (practices). Asanas, capable of bringing about stability of body and mind ‘kuryat-tad-asanam-sthairyam’, consist of adopting various body (psycho-physical) patterns, giving ability to maintain a body position (a stable awareness of one’s structural existence) for a considerable length and period of time as well.The use of pranayama and breathing techniques prescribed in yoga enables a person to focus on breath and helps to calm and still the mind and cultivate the ability to concentrate.

Yoga mobilizes joints, stretch tissues and ligaments, tone muscles, bring flexibility to the spine, increases muscle coordination and fluidity of movement in an individual in order to prevent injuries. It positively contributes to the health and vitality of the body, strengthens internal organs, increases circulation, boosts metabolism & immune system, soothing the skin and promoting overall well-being. Yoga changes the energy level helping to beat the blues, reduces stress, anxiety; cultivate self-confidence and self-belief much required in today’s modern life. Yoga does it all! Yoga just makes one feel good and it is as simple as that. New research suggests that yoga directly influences our nervous system, making us happier and healthier.

Yoga transcends any particular religion, belief system or community. Due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s relentless efforts, June 21 was declared as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 2014 and thenceforward every year, millions of people from around 84 countries observe the International Yoga Day , also known as International Day of Yoga (IDY) or World Yoga Day, on this date.

In Guwahati, IDY is celebrated every year with much enthusiasm by different institutions, agencies and organizations. Various activities like yoga sessions, workshop on yoga, pledge taking, poem writing, poster making and quiz competitions are organized to promote yoga, accentuating the benefits it offers for overall well-being. Besides this, Guwahati has successfully hosted major yoga mahotsavs and exhibitions in various schools and educational institutions, encouraging the younger generation to practice yoga, inspiring them to embark on the journey of physical and mental wellness.

Guwahati, with other parts of the world, is all set to celebrate International Yoga Day 2024 or IDY 2024.With thethemeof‘Yoga for Women Empowerment’ for IYD 2024,coinciding with the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere on June 21.On Friday next, the 21st of June, 2024, more than 190 countries will participate in this global event, showcasing a united commitment to promoting health, well-being, and peace through the practice of yoga. By aiming to utilize yoga as a potential tool for women’s empowerment, the theme carries multifarious significance promoting the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being of women, supporting various conditions affecting women, including PCOS/PCOD, manage the overall health issues of women, and fostering self-awareness and self-acceptance, which can boost confidence and self-esteem in women, empowering them to pursue their goals and aspirations.

Yoga exemplifies how India contributes to global well-being, promoting a harmonious world with healthy, content people dedicated to the collective good of humanity.

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