World Youth Skills Day: Unlocking potential for our socio-economic growth

In today’s rapidly changing world, the contribution of youth to the socio-economic development of our nation is invaluable.
World Youth Skills Day: Unlocking potential for our socio-economic growth

Dr. Mohini Mohan Borah 

(Head of the Department of Zoology  Coordinator B. Voc & Skill Hub

Chaiduar College, Gohpur. He can be reached at

In today’s rapidly changing world, the contribution of youth to the socio-economic development of our nation is invaluable. The youth, embodying immense potential, energy, and creativity, represent our most valuable human resource. Effectively harnessing this potential can drive significant advancements in both the economic and social spheres. As we mark World Youth Skills Day 2024, it’s important to think about the opportunities and challenges for our huge young population. India has over 350 million young people aged 10–24, making it one of the largest youth groups globally.

One pressing issue is the shift of youth interest away from traditional agriculture, which threatens food security, rural development, and cultural heritage preservation. Modern lifestyles, technological advancements, and the promise of better urban job opportunities draw youth away from agricultural life. Education systems often prioritize technology and business over agricultural sciences, steering students towards careers perceived as more financially stable and prestigious. Additionally, agriculture’s economic challenges, including climate change, market fluctuations, and high initial investments, deter many young people seeking secure incomes. To address this, revitalizing the agricultural sector is crucial. Integrating agricultural education into school curricula, emphasizing the role of modern technology in farming, providing financial incentives, and establishing community programmes can attract youth to agriculture. Highlighting diverse career opportunities within the agro economy can also broaden its appeal. By addressing the root causes of declining interest and implementing strategic measures, we can ensure the sustainability of our agro economy and preserve our cultural heritage. Encouraging young people to embrace agriculture secures our future food supply and fosters a deeper connection to our roots and the environment.

One of the most critical investments we can make is in the education and skill development of our youth. Quality education lays the foundation for a knowledgeable and skilled workforce capable of driving innovation. Vocational training and access to modern technology further enhance this capability, equipping young people with the tools they need to start businesses and contribute meaningfully to various industries. Education must go beyond traditional academic instruction to include digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. These competencies are essential in a global economy increasingly driven by technology and innovation. By focusing on holistic education, we can prepare our youth to meet the challenges of the future and lead the way in economic development.

Empowering youth requires more than just education; it involves creating inclusive policies that provide young people with opportunities to participate actively in governance and decision-making processes. When youth are included in these processes, their unique perspectives and innovative ideas can shape policies that drive progress and development. Inclusive policies should also address barriers that prevent youth from achieving their full potential. These barriers can include lack of access to quality education, unemployment, and socio-economic inequalities. By tackling these issues, we create an environment where all young people have the opportunity to succeed.

Youth employment is another crucial area for socio-economic development. High unemployment rates among young people can lead to economic stagnation and social unrest. To address this, we must foster an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and job creation. This can be achieved through various means, including providing access to capital, mentorship programmes, and creating a regulatory framework that supports new businesses. Encouraging youth to engage in entrepreneurship not only creates jobs but also drives innovation and economic diversification. Young entrepreneurs bring fresh ideas and new approaches to traditional industries, which can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.

Programmes that encourage youth involvement in sustainable development initiatives ensure that our growth is balanced and environmentally conscious. Today’s youth are highly aware of global challenges such as climate change and environmental degradation. By involving them in sustainability efforts, we can harness their passion and creativity to develop solutions that protect our planet while promoting economic development. Youth-led initiatives in areas such as renewable energy, conservation, and sustainable agriculture can have a profound impact on our efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Supporting these initiatives through funding, education, and policy support is essential for long-term socio-economic development.

India must also ensure that the benefits of its natural resources reach those who need them most. Transparent and accountable governance frameworks, equitable distribution of resource-derived revenues, and sustainable practices are imperative. Investing in technical, managerial, and entrepreneurial skills is vital for transforming resource wealth into sustainable economic growth, as exemplified by countries like Botswana and Rwanda.

Promoting balanced regional development is another critical goal. Investing in rural infrastructure, supporting economic diversification, enhancing educational and vocational training facilities, and empowering local governance can reduce the rural-urban divide. By fostering inclusive growth and utilizing human and natural resources across all regions, India can achieve sustainable development and empower its youth to compete globally. Our journey towards a brighter future hinges on harnessing the potential of our youth, leveraging our natural resources sustainably, and promoting balanced regional development. By addressing these challenges through comprehensive policies and inclusive strategies, we can pave the way for long-term prosperity and equitable growth. The proper training and skills of our youth today will determine the success and prosperity of our nation tomorrow. Let us work together to harness the immense potential of our youth and create a prosperous and inclusive future for all.

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