Boy steals the show by trying to take Pope's skull cap

When the Pope talks to his audience, all eyes are on him. However, this time, a small boy took the limelight as he tried to steal from the leader.
Boy steals the show by trying to take Pope's skull cap
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When the Pope talks to his audience, all eyes are on him. However, this time, a small boy took the limelight as he tried to steal from the leader.

A young boy, who is reported to be 10-years-old, was seated next to the Pope during one of his usual address with his followers.

The boy hesitantly approached the Pope at the start of the audience in the Paul VI hall. The security officials did not stop him as he was deemed to be harmless security-wise.

Then, he shook hands with the Pope and kept jumping with joy. He continued moving around the leader with the intention of staying with the Pope for a bit longer. Upon realising this, Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza, the head of protocol, gave him a chair to sit on the right side of the Pope. As the Pope resumed his address, the boy was often spotted getting up and leaving the stage and then returning back to it.

Soon, the boy started pointing out at the Pope's zucchetto, white skull cap. He even once tried to pick it up from the Pope's head. The officials quickly found a similar skull cap for the boy and handed it to him, brining a smile on his face. The boy, reportedly, suffers from some medical "limitation". He was wearing a mask, as per COVID protocols and was dressed in a track suit.

Pope took this opportunity to give his blessings to the boy. "I thank this boy for the lesson he has given all of us. May the Lord help him in his limitation, as he grows, because what he did came from the heart," the Pope said. (Agencies)

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