Gained 8 Kgs, Lost 14 Kgs: Shahid Kapoor On His Body Transformation For Kabir Singh

Gained 8 Kgs, Lost 14 Kgs: Shahid Kapoor On His Body Transformation For Kabir Singh

Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has revealed that he had to both lose and put on weight for his upcoming film Kabir Singh that will hit the theaters on June 21.

Speaking to the media in an interview, the on-screen actor uncovered how he figured out to put on eight kilos and later lose 14 kilos. "It's a dependable character before your own life. The team decided to initially shoot the parts that saw me flabby. The character goes through an emotional stage; he is pointless and couldn't care less about what he looks like. The actor is utilized to look their best, consistently. But, here, I needed to look as unbiased as I could about the manner in which I showed up. Henceforth, we took the decision to grow the hair and beard. They took around more than two months to grow out, and during this stage, I worked with my mentor Samir Jaura on drafting an arrangement and accomplishing the look. On the off chance that you plunk down and make a plan, there's a smart way of gaining weight," he said.

Shahid Kapoor also revealed that he lost 14 kilos to look younger for the part where he plays a youth college boy. "I needed to look boyish for the younger part in the movie to play a medical student. I didn't want an ideal body, one that was manicured or etched in light because that is not how college-going young boy look. Seventy-five percent of what you eat relies upon your eating routine.

I don't drink liquor and am a veggie lover. Basically, I live a healthy lifestyle. To lose body weight, I needed to seriously cut down the calories I consumed, and train more earnestly. Despite the fact that we were preparing, the look was accomplished more by means of the eating routine; less time in the gym. We had two months to lose weight. I would not like to hurry into anything since that isn't healthy."

Shahid's trainer Samir likewise told the tabloid that Shahid had constrained intake of 1,800 calories. "Changes like these are led under expert direction. You have to understand the prerequisite of the look in the film, and the time close by to accomplish it. The hardest part is keeping up a specific look over the shooting plan because Shahid Kapoor expends a great deal of energy while the shoot for 10 hours per day," he said. Kabir Singh likewise stars Kiara Advani and is an official remake of Telugu hit Arjun Reddy.

Sentinel Assam