Massage therapist testifies against American former film producer Harvey Weinstein

A licensed massage therapist sat in front of a jury to recount her graphic allegations of a series of instances in which Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted
Massage therapist testifies against American former film producer Harvey Weinstein

A licensed massage therapist sat in front of a jury to recount her graphic allegations of a series of instances in which Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted and masturbated in front of her during business appointments.

Jane Doe #3 testified that the first time she ever worked with Weinstein as a client, he abruptly changed his friendly demeanour during a massage, cornering her in a hotel bathroom and masturbating in front of her, groping her breasts and yelling at her, reports Variety.

"He said: 'Look at me, tell me how big my cock is. Look at me. Look at me. Fucking look at me,'" Jane Doe #3 testified, raising her voice on the stand, as to intimate the tone in which Weinstein spoke to her. As she started to tear up, she told the jury that she kept telling Weinstein "no" and "tried backing away from his as far as possible." But he kept saying: "Look at my cock. Tell me how big my cock is."

"I was terrified," she said. "I thought I was about to get raped."

Jane Doe #3 is a massage therapist for high-profile individuals, working almost exclusively with a clientele of A-list celebrities. She explained to the jury that, due to the nature of her job as a masseuse, it was typical to give a client a massage in a hotel room or in the privacy of their home where she would be isolated. Clients would often be nearly naked, wearing only a bathrobe, upon her arrival.

In 2010, when the woman arrived at Weinstein's hotel room at the Montage in Beverly Hills, California, nothing seemed to be "peculiar odd," she said. "I've done plenty of massages in hotel rooms."

She said Weinstein was "very nice" and "very friendly" at the start of the hourlong massage that he had booked. Nothing was sexual in nature and she was "flattered" by his complimentary conversation to her massage technique. But then, after roughly 40 minutes, he abruptly ended the massage, which caught Jane Doe #3 off-guard. She explained that she then went to the hotel bathroom to wash her hands, planning to pack up her massage table and leave. It was then, she said, that Weinstein barged into the bathroom and attacked her.

As she was washing her hands, the bathroom door opened and "he was standing naked masturbating," she recalled.

She then asked him to leave the bathroom and put his clothes on, but he yelled and demanded she look at his naked body and tell him "how big my cock is."

As he was masturbating, Weinstein started walking towards her in a "very assertive manner." With one hand on his penis, he put his other hand underneath her tank top and grabbed her breasts. She said it was so aggressive, it left a red mark on her chest.

"He just kept yelling at me," she said, adding she told him to stop. "I told him to leave me alone." When the prosecutor, deputy D.A. Marlene Martinez, asked Jane Doe #3 if she tried to move away and escape Weinstein, she explained, "There was no physical way to get around him. It wasn't possible because Harvey is so big."

"I was in shock. I felt frozen. I felt paralysed. I was trying to understand what was about to happen to me," she said. "I didn't move. I thought if I tried to struggle, it would get worse."

After he ejaculated on the floor, he said, "Now I know I can trust you, we're close friends," Jane Doe #3 recalled. (IANS)

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