Michael Jackson’s team tries to block accusers from getting his nude pictures

Michael Jackson’s production company, MJJ Productions, doesn’t want his accusers, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, to access the late pop star’s police records.
Michael Jackson’s team tries to block accusers from getting his nude pictures
Aaron Lambert
Published on

Michael Jackson’s production company, MJJ Productions, doesn’t want his accusers, Wade Rob son and James Safechuck, to access the late pop star’s police records. The company filed court documents in the Superior Court of Los Angeles, seeking to block Robson and Safechuck’s requests, claiming they are looking to obtain “photographs of Michael Jackson’s genitalia and naked body taken by police.”

The court documents reveal that these images are sealed by a court-entered protective order from the Santa Barbara Superior Court. The filing argues that allowing access to these photographs would not only invade Jackson’s privacy but also violate a strict protective order agreed upon by Jackson and law enforcement. “Beyond the invasion of privacy issues, the available records indicate the photographs Plaintiffs now seek are also subject to a strict protective order agreed to by Michael Jackson and Santa Barbara law enforcement and entered by the Santa Barbara Superior Court,” the filing reads.  (Agencies)

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