A still from 'Axone'
A still from 'Axone'

Northeast film 'Axone' to make Netflix debut on June 12

'Axone', named after a pungent-smelling Northeast Indian dish, chronicles experiences of NE Indians in Delhi

Guwahati: At a time when incidents of racism against Northeast Indians has reached its peak in India, a film dealing precisely with that subject matter --  Nicholas Kharkongor's Axone -- is set to enthrall cineastes in the comfort of their sofas, as it makes its Netflix debut on June 12.

Axone, named after an indigenous delicacy of the Sumi Nagas that is consumed and relished across the Northeast Indian states, chronicles the experiences of Northeast Indian migrants in Delhi who face discrimination in their attempt to cook an Axone dish.

The film revolves around a wedding, a feast, and a landlord-tenant clash. All hell breaks loose when Minam (played by Asenla Jamir) is all set to get married on the day she is to be interviewed for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exams and some of her friends decide to surprise her by cooking Axone. Things take a turn for the worse when the cooking of the pungent dish invites the wrath of the conservative Delhi landlords.

The film stars Sayani Gupta, Dolly Ahluwalia, Lin Laishram, Vinay Pathak, Aakash Bhardwaj, and Jimpa Bhutia among others. It has already been exhibited in film festivals across the world and earned accolades from film pundits. 'Axone' is unique because it it the first film based on Northeast Indian culture that has been made in the commercial Bollywood movie-sphere, and its release on Netflix is likely to earn the film that has already endeared itself to a niche audience an even greater reach-out platform to the masses.

Sentinel Assam