Rishi Kapoor demands opening of liquor stores during the lockdown

Rishi Kapoor demands opening of liquor stores during the lockdown

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Mumbai : In a shocking comment, veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has, reportedly, demanded the Union government to give permission for opening the licensed liquor stores during the on-going 21-day-long nationwide lockdown. The yore time popular actor, on Saturday tweeted, "Think. Government should for sometime in the evening open all licensed liquor stores. Don't get me wrong. Man will be at home only what with all this depression, uncertainty around. Cops, doctors, civilians etc... need some release. Black mein to sell ho hi raha hai." Mentionable is that several Health experts from across the world almost unanimously opined that only social or physical distancing can check the spread of the novel coronavirus by breaking its chain. Keeping in mind the experts' opinion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the on-going lockdown that will end on April 14, 2020. Apart from the Central Government, all the state governments in the country have imposed restrictions on social or mass gathering in their respective states to tackle the menace. As such, actor Kapoor's comment has raised eyebrows of many. It is to be noted that in many places in the country large number of people moved out from their homes in the name buying essential food items defying the government's restrictions imposed after the lockdown, announced by the Prime Minister.

Sentinel Assam