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Ways to recover from burnout

Burnout means physical and mental exhaustion due to long-term engagement.

What is Burnout?

Burnout basically means exhaustion of physical and mental state. It occurs when you are engaged in work for a longer time which physically and mentally drains your energy. It also occurs when your hard work doesn't pay off the way you expected.

Burnout is a loss of motivation and enthusiasm. World Health Organization (WHO)'s International classification of diseases referred to Burnout as an "Occupational Phenomenon".

It mostly origins from our workplace. However, there are various factors.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Burnout happens gradually. It doesn't occur all at once. Here are some symptoms that you can know that you are suffering from burnout.

• Feeling exhausted all the time

• Headache and muscle ache

• Frequently falling ill

• Change in sleep pattern

Some of the Emotional symptoms:

• Lack of motivation

• Always having negative thoughts

• Sense of self-doubt

• Shouting at others

• Wanting to stay alone

What are the causes of burnout?

Burnout usually causes by the workplace. Work overload, not getting satisfying results or lack of recognizations are the prime causes of burnout.

However, below are some of the causes of burnout:

• Felling like you possess no control over your work

• Lack of appreciation and recognization

• Engaging in a job that is unchallenging

• Overworking without any social interaction

• Lack of social relationship

• Too many responsibilities on your shoulder

• No time to sleep.

How to deal with burnout?

It is not an impossible task to deal with burnout. You'll be able to deal with burnout with the three R's:

Recognize: Find out the symptoms and signs of burnout. Search for the 'Why' of your problem. 

Reverse: Undo all the harm and learn managing stress and depression. 

Resilience: Form your resilience to stress by proper treatment of your physical and mental state.

Other ways include:

Tip 1: Socialize

Try to reach out to your close ones like friends and family and spend time with them. Talking to people will help you reduce your stress and you'll feel less burnout.

Be friendly with our co-workers. Seek help whenever you need it. Don't hang out with negative people. Stay away from all kinds of negative conversations. 

Make new friends. It's free and people will love it.

Tip 2: Change the perception of your work

You have to work for your livelihood hence try to seek out some worth of your job. Do things you like and you are good at.

There must be some kind of balance in your life. You must spare some time for your friends and family and also work alongside. Both are important.

Take some break: if you are tired, take a break from your work. Take rest, recharge, and then come back.

Tip: 3 Revise the things you prioritize

Sometimes you need to sign off from all kinds of technologies that you use in your day-to-day life.

Test your creativity, learn new things, or go back and practice your hobbies.

Spend some time with various relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, exercise.

Get enough sleep. Don't compromise with the time you sleep. 

Sentinel Assam