2020’s 1st one horn rhino death in buffer zone of Chitwan National Park (CNP)

2020’s 1st one horn rhino death in buffer zone of Chitwan National Park (CNP)

A young and rare one-horned rhinoceros has died in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park (CNP) in Nepal, authorities have confirmed. The baby rhino estimated to be five-years-old died in a mustard field in Nawalparasi district on Sunday morning in the territory of CNP, the country’s largest rhino habitat located some 160 km from the capital Kathmandu, reports Xinhua news agency. “We are yet to identify the real cause of its death,” Gopal Ghimire, spokesperson for CNP, told Xinhua, adding the verification of the cause of the death would take some time. This was the first recorded rhino death in 2020. Nepal is home to 645 endangered rhinos as per the 2015 census. However, rhino deaths due to natural causes were on the rise. According to officials, many rhinos succumb to injuries following a battle with other animals regarding territories, while some die due to diseases and infections. A total of 46 one-horned rhinos died in the fiscal year 2018-19 in and around the CNP, recording the worst year for the endangered species in the country. According to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, out of the 645 rhinos in Nepal, over 600 are in CNP. The Himalayan country will conduct a new rhino census this year. (IANS)

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