Bungee jumper in Poland theme park falls down as rope snapped mid-air, spectators left horrified

Bungee jumper in Poland theme park falls down as rope snapped mid-air, spectators left horrified
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Fun turns fatal in an adventure park as a bungee jumper’s rope snapped midair just when he started taking leaps with the help of the rope. The video footage of the incident has left people shocked and terror-stricken as the footage captures the moment of the rope being snapped as the man falling down. Much to the fortune of the man, the 39-year-old fell down on the cushioned bed placed on the ground and survived the injuries received due to the fall.

People, after watching this bungee jumping incident, would perhaps not dare to go for this adventure sport as the video reveals how fatal it can turn for one on the rope being snapped or slipped off the feet. This is an incident of the Rady Europy theme park in Gdynia, Poland when a 100m bungee jumper was being tied on his feet and taken up to the sky on a crane for the jump. The incident took place on July 20 with the video showing a host of audiences present on-site to witness the bungee jumping. However, none of them had perhaps thought in their dreams that their fun will turn into shock. The spectator could witness the bungee jumper falling down on the ground within a matter of seconds after being released by the crane up in the sky.

Although, the man was looking visibly good but later on being taken to the hospital, he was diagnosed with multiple organ failure and a broken spine. However, the organizers of the bungee jumping, Bungeeclub confirm that the man is doing well and is discharged from the hospital. He is now made to wear an orthopedic collar.

The man, after landing on the safety cushion, however, bounces off on the ground with spectators rushing towards the man worried about his state of health.

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