Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set to form government

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set to form government

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will continue his fifth term in office as he prepares to form a government under the power-sharing agreement.

JERUSALEM: After securing support from a majority of lawmakers last week and dodging several legal hurdles, sitting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will continue his fifth term in office as he prepares to form a government in the coming days uner the power-sharing agreement. The new government comes after over a year of political stalemate and three consecutive elections which led to inconclusive results, reports Xinhua news agency. After weeks of political negotiations, Netanyahu who leads the ruling Likud party reached an agreement with his main rival Benny Gantz who leads the Blue and White party.

On Sunday, Netanyahu met members of his party and other coalition partners in order to assign cabinet portfolios. The COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in the country after the third election was what brought the sides to finally reach a consensus after a year of paralysis.

The country, which has been under a caretaker government for a lengthy period, is now facing a major crisis and lack of a permanent government has made policy and budget decisions difficult. Netanyahu and Gantz vowed to cooperate in order to lead the country through the crisis, including the major economic fallout which is now over-shadowing the health crisis.

A total of 248 Israelis have died of the virus and over 16,400 people have contracted it. After weeks of severe lockdown measures, the economy is gradually being jump-started again.

Unemployment has reached a record high and there are many problems to be dealt with, including preparation for a possible second wave of the pandemic. (IANS) 

Sentinel Assam