It may be that the US military brought the epidemic to Wuhan: Chinese official

It may be that the US military brought the epidemic to Wuhan: Chinese official

As conspiracy theories abound on how coronavirus epidemic started, Lijian Zhao, Spokesperson & Deputy Director General, Information Department, Foreign Ministry, has gone ahead and pointed blame at the US Army.

He tweeted, “The director of the US Centers for Disease Control was arrested. When did Patient Zero appear in the United States? How many people are infected? What is the name of the hospital? It may be that the US military brought the epidemic to Wuhan. America needs to be transparent! To make the data public! The United States owes us an explanation!”

The US President, Donald Trump, retweeted a tweet from conservative commentator Charlie Kirk referring to COVID-19 as the “China Virus”

Trump had earlier said that the virus originated in China and is now spreading around the world.

Just a few days ago, Trump had said that he has not been tested for the new COVID-19 as his doctor has advised him not to do so at this time since he does not have any symptoms.

While talking to the media he said, “I feel extremely good. I feel very good” and also explained how willing he’d get tested for the outbreak but there is no reason for him to do so at this time.

“I guess it’s not a big deal to get tested and something I would do, but, again, I spoke to the White House doctor, terrific guy, talented guy. He said he sees no reason to do it. There are no symptoms, no anything,” Trump said.

He made the comments after his press secretary confirmed late Monday night that the president has not taken a test, despite the fact that the President has interacted with at least 3 individuals who have been exposed to an individual with the disease.

The president’s comments came after he appeared for an hour-long session meeting with Senate Republicans to discuss various encouragement proposals to support the economy from the effects of the outbreak.

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