Pakistan's nuclear weapons a cause of concern to global powers

Pakistan's nuclear weapons a cause of concern to global powers

The nuclear weapons have sparked global concerns as terrorism continues umabted in the country and the threat remains that they could be taken over by terrorits

WASHINGTON: Pakistan's nuclear weapons have sparked global concerns as terrorism continues umabted in the South Asian country and the threat remains that they could be taken over by terrorist organizations.

Recently, US President Biden at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Reception in Los Angeles (California), spotlighted Pakistan as "the most dangerous nation in the world." He also criticized both China and Russia and said, "This is a guy (Xi Jinping) who understands what he wants but has an enormous, enormous array of problems. How do we handle that? How do we handle that relative to what's going on in Russia? And what I think is maybe one of the most dangerous nations in the world: Pakistan. Nuclear weapons without any cohesion."

Pakistan's government, the Taliban, its various outfits in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and other jihadist groups inside Pakistan have created concern over the nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists, reported Global Strat View.

A London-based Pakistani journalist Farooq Sulehria said, "The Talibanization of the Pakistan military is something we can't overlook. What if there is an internal Taliban takeover of the nuclear assets?"

There have been multiple instances when experts and US Presidents have expressed their concerns over Pakistan's nukes. During the time of the Obama administration, a Harvard nuclear expert, Graham Allison, stated, "When you map weapons of mass destruction and terrorism, all roads intersect in Pakistan."

He said this while sitting on the US Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism.

Moreover, the political upheaval in Afghanistan also has regional repercussions, especially for those in neighbouring Pakistan. Meanwhile, Pakistan's continued production of fissile material and subsequent weapons, as well as the potential deployment of more tactical nuclear weapons, only makes the increasing possibility of the misuse of these materials more glaring and plausible, reported Global Strat View.

Ex-US President Bill Clinton also had similar apprehension regarding Pakistan's strides towards nuclear testing. Clinton, worried about the geopolitical threat of South Asia if Islamabad was to go ahead with its nuclear armament. (ANI)

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