Troika Plus to discuss Afghan crisis

Amid escalating bloodbath in neighbouring Afghanistan — Pakistan, China, Russia and the US will be meeting in Doha on August 11, to discuss the security situation there and ponder on ways to prohibit the Himalayan South Asian nation from plunging into yet another civil war.
Troika Plus to discuss Afghan crisis
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ISLAMABAD: Amid escalating bloodbath in neighbouring Afghanistan — Pakistan, China, Russia and the US will be meeting in Doha on August 11, to discuss the security situation there and ponder on ways to prohibit the Himalayan South Asian nation from plunging into yet another civil war.

The 'Troika Plus" meeting in Doha holds great importance as Afghan Talibans continue to make major inroads and take control of parts of Afghanistan, since the start of the US and NATO forces' withdrawal. Since the foreign forces have started exiting Afghanistan, the Asrhaf Ghani government is facing stiff resistance from the Afghan Taliban, who have been claiming control of many districts and provinces of the country.

The Taliban offensive has also put the all important intra-Afghan dialogue on the back burner as no major headway has been witnessed in the process. The Troika Plus meeting is also important as the US is keen to have China and Russia on board on the situation in Afghanistan, despite having serious concerns against China.

It is pertinent to mention that both Russia and China, have strongly criticized the US for opting to a hasty withdrawal, blaming the American for failing to bring peace in Afghanistan. Moreover, Pakistan has also made it clear that it will neither be providing its ground bases or airspace to the US forces to operate in Afghanistan. Islamabad has also asserted that the country will not be part of any future conflict in Afghanistan. (IANS)

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