An actress par excellence

Nishita Goswami who won accolades for her role in the blockbuster Kadambari, narrates her sojourn to the silver screen
An actress par excellence

Whatever work I have done so far, I earlier discussed with my parents. Now I discuss everything with my husband. No matter what you do, whether you are a star's daughter or a star's son, thefirst thing you have to do is work hard. There is no other way. If you do not work hard and you do not have talent, nothing will work out. Hard work and passion play a very crucial role in shaping your character.

Nishita Goswami is a famous Assamese actress. She has acted in several Assamese movies and established her identity in the industry apart from her equally famous mother Moloya Goswami. She has worked with leading directors of the Assamese Film Industry. Excerpts from an interview.

Tell us about yourself and your family

I am a very simple person who has led a very simple and ordinary life. My mother was a lecturer in Jagiroad College and my father was working in the Electricity Board in Jagiroad, both of them retired five years ago. I grew up in a family which has a very strong cultural background. This is something which I have also inherited. I fell in love with the person who is my husband now. We got married in 2011. We were blessed with our son Rivaan in 2017, the most beautiful gift of God. I started acting when I was a child, a talent which I inherited from my mother. I am happy that even after marriage nothing has changed. My husband is my greatest supporter. The work life balance is very positive for me.

Tell us about your educational background

I grew up in Jagiroad and had a very wonderful childhood. I studied in Kendriya Vidyalaya. After completing my schooling, we shifted to Guwahati. I completed my graduation from Handique Girls' College. This was followed by a degree in Mass Communication from the Regional Institute of Mass Communication and Journalism. I was fascinated by teaching, so I completed my B.Ed and then upon the advice of my mother I also completed my M.Ed. I came into contact with Dr Bhabendra Nath Saikia'sArohan and with his wife we decided to open a small Montessori school. I was associated with the school for maybe 9 to 10 years. Now I am not connected with the school because of heavy workload. My child is going to school, I have to look after my work and my home, so now she is running the school. And though I am not a singer, I completed my Visharad in classical music.

Who was your biggest inspiration behind pursuing acting as a career. Tell us how you entered this field

I always followed my mother's footstep,She is my biggest inspiration. I have seen all her movies and was inspired by her acting skills When I was a teenager, I told my mother that I wanted to act because I was attracted to acting. My parents never stopped us from pursuing anything. My mother prompted me to learn the basics of acting before I stepped out into the field. Since I did not do a formal acting course, my mother made me act in many stage plays. I have done many stages plays in Jagiroad, in Guwahati and in Nagaon as a child actor. I got associated with NatasuryaPhaniSarmaFestivel. In 2002 I got an offer for my first film, 'Mon' by director Bani Das. He came to our home after seeing me in some production with Mainee Mahanta, and sought my parents' permission. Since the story and the cast were perfect my parents gave me the go ahead and thus started my career in movies.

Your mother Moloya Goswami is herself an established actress. Has it been tough to emerge from the shadow of your mother?

I got a very positive environment in my house. I had one advantage and that was getting to meet all the big people in the film industry at the time like Biju Phukan, Nipon Goswami and others. Everyone came to ourJagiroad house to have lunch or dinner and although I was very small, I remember the details. But regarding my entry into movies it did not come about then as mother was very strict and her first criteria was that I should complete my education. When I look backit was always study first. My mother used to go through all the scripts offered to me and was very selective about which roles I would enact. But I am thankful to God, that whatever movies I have done are all good. I got these on my own merit. Of course, people knew me as Moloya Goswami's daughter, but I had to work hard to achieve what I am today.

What are the things you do to unburden yourself from your legacy?

Whatever work I have done so far, I earlier discussed with my parents. Now I discuss everything with my husband. No matter what you do, whether you are a star's daughter or a star's son, thefirst thing you have to do is work hard. There is no other way. If you do not work hard and you do not have talent, nothing will work out. Hard work and passion play a very crucial role in shaping your character. Yes, it is true that a doctor or engineer would want their child to follow their footsteps, but that is not what matters. You have to have the talent and my first movie offer came because the director had seen me enact a role in some play, Itwas not that my mother approached them to launch me. My mother never promoted me and I respect her for that. My mother was of the opinion that whatever I get, it should be based on my merit. Her life is based on the same principle. I have always worked hard and given 100 per cent to all my projects .

Before your debut in films, you have acted in stage plays like 'Adhyay', 'Hepahor Ghor', 'Ghoduli', etc. Can you tell us more about your stage performances

I first acted in a few children's plays directed by my mother in Jagiroad College. My first drama was with AjitBorthakur, who is a very renowned drama personality. I have also worked with Rajesh Bhuyan and Bhaskar Borah,both of who are very renowned and experienced. I was associated with NatasurjyaPhaniSarma Drama Festival after we shifted to Guwahati and thereafter played many roles in dramas during the festival.When I was probably in second year of college, that I got the offer for my first film.

You have acted in numerous films. Can you tell us more about your experience

I have done around 20 to 25 movies. I have been lucky to have worked with good directors, good producers and good cast. My first movie was Mon where I had a very good experience because I got to work with so many experienced people. It was a learning process for me. My second movie Kadambari, which was again directed by Bani Das da was also a hit movie. After Kadambarinew horizons opened up for me. I have also done Rong, which was a very positive and commercially successful movie. And the best movie that I have worked in isDinabandhu in 2003. While it has been a learning experience all the way working with I got to work with so many experienced people like Tapan Das, Zubeen Garg and directors like Bidyut Chakraborty, Chandra Mudoi and others honed my acting skills amd shaped me into the actor I am today.

Tell us about the most satisfying character you have played so far. Do you believe that you could do full justice to the character?

All my movies are my babies but I loved playing Kadambari, a character who touched the heart of each and every person who watched the movie. And of course, Dinabandhu's Bani character is also my favourite. Another character which is close to my heart is the character I played in Maniram Sinha's Mon Jai. In that film I had no dialogue. It was a special role for a song. When I first got the offer, I was very sceptical about it and initially said no because I thought that without a dialogue how could I be the lead actress. But I was wrong and the director established my character without a dialogue. That song became a cult song,

I believe that when you are essaying a role you should get inside the character and not think about anything else. Just follow the director's instructions.

What do you love most about acting?

I love everything about acting. I am very passionate about acting and feel a deep sense of satisfaction when I know that I have portrayed a character well. I am not very ambitious, but whatever I do I am happy to have performed to the best of my abilities and the rewards will come in time, One should believe in oneself and be honest. Everything is possible.

You also had a stint in the TV comedy Beharbari Outpost. How was the experience?

I got severaloffersto act in sitcoms from several channels but I could not accept these offers as the duration was very long and these entailed a daily shooting schedule.It was not possible for me as my son was very small. But one day Rajesh da was telling me about a character for his new series and as usual I declined, when he asked me whether I would not do anything forRengoni. I jokingly told him that if he gave meBeharbari Outpost, I would do it. Rajesh da took this seriously. I loved to watch the serial everyday because it provided laughs and relaxation. One day he called me and said that a character had been incorporated for me in the sitcom. I waspleasantly surprised. He told me to wear my police costume and come for the shoot. And that is how the character Mulagabhoru was created. I joined in 2017. I cannot shoot every day. But whenever I am free, I go and shoot my parts.

You have also acted in a Bengali movie, 'Coolie' alongside Mithun Chakraborty. Can you tell us more about the experience.

It was a wonderful experience for me. I got the chance to act with Mithun, a Bollywood star and the movie was a big hit in Kolkata. Coolie was a commercially successful movie. I had a very nice experience working with such a big unit. We shot the movie for 15 to 20 days in Ramoji film city, and in Mysore. I am working in another Bengali movie Titli Cottage, being directed bySharmistha Deb.

Are you connected with any social organisation? Do you feel any obligation towards society and your fellow humans?

I am associated with many NGOs and social awareness programmes. I have done social awareness programmes on AIDS, cancer, diabetes and more. You feel uplifted when you become a part of a noble cause. It gives meinner satisfaction to know that I am contributing in a small way. Whenever I get an invitation for any charity programme, I never hesitate. I specially love to work for the underprivileged kids andspecially abled children. I wanted to open an NGO for the underprivileged or specially abled kids, in future.

Tell us about your awards and achievements

Ido not work for awards, but when I get recognition for my work, it feels good. I have got awards and respect from different NGOs and this uplifts me. feel really good about it. I have received the JyotirupaAward, Moonlight Media Award andPrag Cine Award.Several organisations like NEED and Sports Association have acknowledged my acting skills. Asianet is giving me a special recognition award for contribution in the field of cinema. I also got a nomination in Filmfare East.

Tell us about the projects you are working in currently. Can you tell us more about your upcoming projects.

I have recently uploaded two storytelling videos which are very positive and creative. Both have received overwhelming response and lovefrom the people. The name of the content is Anekoi e Ketiaba, and the second video wentviral. It is all about love, life, happiness, sadness, relationships. We are making small videos of two minutes. A very talented writer Partha Goswami writes the story and I am the story-teller. And since the concept has been ver well received, we are planning to create more content. My movie Raghav is also most likely to be released inOctober 2023. A song sequence is left to be shot, which is being planned to be done in Kashmir. After that the promotional activities will start.

Any words of advice for the newcomers in the industry

When we started out in the industry, it was tough but it was not cutthroat because the competition was very limited. But now the competition is huge. You get negative and positive competition and the hindrances and the barriers are much stronger, than what it was 10 years ago. You have to be very passionate about your work, and you have to work very hard. You have to be dedicated in all you do. The creativity level has gone very high. The young generation is doing a lot of good work. So you have to be dedicated, creative and elevate yourself. You have to groom yourself and plan perfectly at what you are going to do. You have to be super perfect.

Lastly, any words for our readers.

I would like to express my gratitude for giving me so much love. Thank you so much for being loyal readers. Thank you so much for giving us the love and respect and showering us with your blessings. All I need is your love and blessings.

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